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Guangyuan, Sichuan——

Representatives contact the masses to help grass-roots governance

Our reporter Jin Xin
May 23, 2024 07:20 | Source: People's Daily
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"There are many battery cars in the community. Although there is a shed, there is still the situation of privately pulling and connecting wires for charging, which is a potential safety hazard." Not long ago, Zhang Yan, a representative of Guangyuan Municipal People's Congress and secretary of the general party branch of Ruxiang Community, Xuefeng Street, Lizhou District, heard this appeal from residents of the community during a visit to the community. Later, she convened resident representatives for consultation and reported the situation to relevant departments. Soon, the community added two parking sheds, and all battery cars in the community were parked and charged in a centralized manner.

In recent years, the Standing Committee of Guangyuan Municipal People's Congress of Sichuan Province has deeply carried out the theme activity of "representatives connect with the masses to promote the modernization of grass-roots governance", promoting the deputies to the people's congress to go to the grass-roots front line, closely contact the masses, widely collect opinions and suggestions, and report to the people's congress in a timely manner, so as to promote the solution of the urgent problems of the masses and improve the quality and efficiency of grass-roots governance.

In recent years, the problem of "difficult parking" of non motor vehicles has troubled some people. At the Guangyuan People's Congress, He Wei, a deputy to the National People's Congress, put forward suggestions on strengthening the management of non motor vehicles in the city proper.

After being assigned by the National People's Congress, relevant departments carefully studied and handled it. "For citizens, the most intuitive change is to plan and set up more than 800 parking lots for non motor vehicles in hospitals, business districts, farmers' markets and other crowded areas, marking more than 22000 meters, which greatly alleviates the problem of 'difficult parking'," He Wei said.

Previously, in Guangyuan, people were sometimes covered with mud and water on rainy days. After the people reflected through the NPC deputies, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress carried out a visit and research, and issued the Guangyuan Sponge City Construction Management Regulations in 2023. According to the Regulations, relevant departments and units perform their duties and actively promote the construction of sponge cities. Up to now, 175 projects have been completed in Guangyuan, with an investment of 8.292 billion yuan. The standard area of the sponge city is 30.02 square kilometers, accounting for 41% of the built-up area of the central urban area.

In the activity of "representatives connecting with the masses to promote the modernization of grass-roots governance", Guangyuan Municipal People's Congress also actively played the role of representative home and representative liaison station, and strengthened the close ties between the deputies to the people's congresses at all levels and the grass-roots people with "home and station" as the link.

Wangyun Village, Shahe Town, Chaotian District has convenient transportation and beautiful scenery. However, due to historical reasons, the village has not been provided with natural gas. Farmers always use firewood for cooking and canned gas for farmhouse entertainment. In 2022, local people will come to the representative liaison station to report the situation to the deputies at the district and town levels. Deputies to the National People's Congress then made in-depth visits and research to understand the actual situation and put forward suggestions at the District People's Congress. Soon, the problem was solved and the villagers in Wangyun Village used natural gas. "With the representative liaison station, deputies to the people's congresses at all levels will receive us here, and we can really say what we want and do what we want," said a villager.

Today, Guangyuan has built a total of 623 "homes and stations", helping more than 9000 deputies to people's congresses at all levels to get in touch with the people nearby, understand the people's feelings and public opinions, and promote the solution of a series of problems, which has injected strong impetus into the improvement of grass-roots governance efficiency.

People's Daily (May 23, 2024, 18th Edition)

(Editor in charge: Li Qiangqiang, Zhang Huawei)

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