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Research trip of "marching towards China"

Innovate in Sichuan when "Mahjong" meets rehabilitation robot

Sichuan Research and Interview Group of People's Daily Online "Marching China"
19:38, May 22, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online - Sichuan Channel
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"Our inspiration comes from the mahjong culture in Sichuan and Chongqing, and we can better mobilize the enthusiasm of users for rehabilitation by simulating real actions such as touching cards and playing cards." Entering the West China Medical Robot Research Institute, a kind of rehabilitation instrument that can "play" is particularly attractive. It adds a lot of fun to the patients who are doing rehabilitation treatment.

It is reported that this product is mainly used in upper limb motor dysfunction, stroke nerve rehabilitation, postoperative fine motor recovery, cognitive impairment, motor anticipation and other scenarios. At present, it has settled in the Furong Elderly Care Community in Chengdu Hi tech Zone and the Innovation Incubation Center for One Old and One Small in Jinjiang District to provide services for patients with related needs and carry out rehabilitation work. (Zhang Yuke, Gao Lei, Xue Yujian, Yang Di, Wang Tianle, Hao Shuai, Li Ping, Wang Bo, Guo Ying, Wang Fanwen/video)

(Editor in charge: Yuan Hanling, Xue Yujian)

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