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Accelerate the construction of low altitude economic center in western China

The whole industry scale of Chengdu's low altitude economy strives to reach 26 billion yuan this year

May 21, 2024 07:55 | Source: Chengdu Business Daily Electronic Edition
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Original title: The whole industry scale of low altitude economy strives to reach 26 billion yuan this year

At present, low altitude economy is becoming a new development "outlet", and Chengdu is also accelerating its "entrance".

At the Chengdu New Industrialization Promotion Conference held on May 20, the relevant person in charge of Chengdu Transportation Bureau said that, focusing on the development goal of "building a low altitude economic center in the west", the Bureau, together with Chengdu Port Logistics Office, Chengdu Economic and Information Bureau, Chengdu New Economic Commission and other departments, is following the general idea of "fast start, fly, manage and develop well", Accelerate the development of low altitude economy.

  Income from industrial UAV industry chain

Last year exceeded 10 billion yuan

At the meeting, the relevant person in charge of the bureau introduced the basic situation of Chengdu's low altitude economy at present.

In terms of deepening airspace management reform, Chengdu continued to consolidate the pilot results of low altitude airspace collaborative management reform, with more than 400000 flights and 80000 hours of UAVs and more than 8 million flights and 600000 hours of UAVs, ranking first in China; At the same time, we will strengthen the national civil pilotless aviation test base, innovate the "reporting system" for airspace use applications and the "hierarchical integration flight" mode for UAVs, and shorten the time for UAV flight applications from an average of 7 days to 1 hour before takeoff.

In terms of industrial UAVs, Chengdu has continuously improved the level of industrial development, and has formed a map of the whole industrial chain, including raw materials, basic parts and systems, complete machine manufacturing and operation services. The products have achieved full coverage from 10kg to tonnage level. In 2023, the revenue of the whole industrial chain of industrial UAVs in Chengdu will exceed 10 billion yuan; At the same time, we have strengthened the cultivation of chain leading enterprises, gathered a group of leading enterprises such as AVIC UAV, Zongheng Shares, Wofei Changkong, and ranked the third in the number of listed enterprises in China; Fifteen industrial UAV platforms above the provincial level have been built, and the scientific research strength has been continuously enhanced.

At the same time, Chengdu accelerated the construction of application scenarios, adhered to demand orientation, formulated a list of low altitude flight application scenarios, sorted out 65 specific application scenarios, and promoted the construction of urban short haul manned flight application scenarios. In addition, the industrial fund guarantee has also been strengthened. In 2023, eight aviation industry funds including Sichuan Aviation Industry Development Equity Investment Fund and Chengdu Communications Investment Aviation Investment Fund have completed an investment of more than 8 billion yuan, providing strong financial support for AVIC UAV, Zongzong, Tengdun, Aoshi Technology and other enterprises.

  Continuously improve industrial innovation capability

Accelerate the construction of low altitude economic center in western China

At present, low altitude economy has become a key industrial chain in Chengdu. The bureau will work with relevant municipal departments to accelerate the construction of the western low altitude economic center by sticking to the same direction of "airspace end", "industry end" and "application end", including the following measures:

Chengdu will continue to improve its industrial innovation capability, promote the creation of innovation consortia with enterprises such as Wofei Changkong and AVIC UAV, lay out scientific and technological infrastructure such as low altitude wind tunnel test ground, and build an aircraft test base. At the same time, seize the core track in the future, focus on industrial UAVs, eVTOL and other subdivided chains, and promote the airworthiness certification of Wofei AE200eVTOL products. In addition, Chengdu will vigorously introduce market players, and focus on cultivating local chain leading enterprises, specialized and new "little giants", and single champion enterprises in manufacturing industry. Strive to make the scale of low altitude manufacturing industry exceed 6.5 billion yuan in 2024, and drive the scale of the whole industry of low altitude economy to reach 26 billion yuan.

In addition, Chengdu will improve the top-level design, optimize the industrial layout, promote Sichuan Tianfu New Area to accelerate the construction of a low altitude economy comprehensive integration demonstration zone, strengthen the functions of Pengzhou National Civil Unmanned Aviation Test Base, improve the quality and efficiency of Jintang general aviation industry development, and promote the coordinated development of the city's low altitude economy.

Chengdu will prepare relevant plans, strengthen legal guarantee, facility guarantee and talent guarantee, establish the Chengdu Institute of Low Altitude Economic Development and the Low Altitude Economic Expert Committee, encourage and support the city's colleges and universities to strengthen the construction of relevant disciplines in the field of low altitude economy, and strengthen the introduction of leading talents in the low altitude economy industry. (Chengdu Business Daily - Red Star Journalist Wang Junfeng and Wang Yao)

(Editor in charge: Zhang Huawei, Luo Yu)

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