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Sichuan launched the activity of "Striving for a New Journey, Building a Dream of Family and Country Together - Family Style and Family Education Tour"

May 21, 2024 11:31 | Source: People's Daily Online - Sichuan Channel
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 Activity site. Photographed by Peng Qian on People's Daily Online
Activity site. Photographed by Peng Qian on People's Daily Online

People's Daily Online, Chengdu, May 21 (Peng Qian) On May 20, the activity of "Striving for a New Journey, Building a Dream of Family and Country Together - Family Style and Family Education Tour" jointly organized by the Sichuan Women's Federation, the Working Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Department of Education, and the Provincial Civilization Office was launched in the Sichuan Women and Children Center.

It is reported that the purpose of holding this activity is to fully implement the Provincial Party Committee's Opinions on Further Promoting the Construction of Family Discipline, earnestly promote the deepening and practice of Party discipline learning and education, encourage families to cultivate and practice socialist core values, implement scientific family education, cultivate excellent family style, and build the most beautiful family.

Through artistic performances, family style stories sharing and other forms, the activity showed the touching stories of the families in the province in practicing good family style. Family representatives such as Yang Ran and Hu Xiaodong, the representatives of the "most beautiful family" in China, Chen Xianrong, the representative of the "five good family" in China, and Zheng Liwei, the representative of the "five good family" in Sichuan Province, came to the stage to share the stories of good family style.

After the launch ceremony, the on-site guests visited the theme exhibition of "Good Wind and Family Inheritance" family style tutoring. Through the display with pictures and texts and the detailed explanation of the commentator, they had a deeper understanding of the importance and practical achievements of family style tutoring.

According to Wang Huarong, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and chairman of the Sichuan Women's Federation, this tour will go to 21 cities and prefectures across the province, "It is hoped that relevant departments and all sectors of society will further increase their support, give full play to their respective advantages, promote resource sharing, work together to promote the construction of family civilization, actively build a family education guidance service system covering urban and rural areas, help improve the collaborative education mechanism of schools, families and society, better play the important role of family education in grass-roots social governance, and do a good job of family style and The practitioner, guardian and leader of a civilized family. "

(Editor in charge: Zhang Huawei, Xue Yujian)

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