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Sichuan Renshou: "Golden Fruit" Full of Branches, "Three Unifications" Help Farmers Increase Income

People's Daily Online reporter Liu Haitian
May 18, 2024 12:09 | Source: People's Daily Online - Sichuan Channel
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At present, the "Qingjian" citrus in Dashan Village, Fujia Town, Renshou County, Meishan City, Sichuan Province is enjoying a bumper harvest. In order to solve the sales problem, the local government adopts the "Party branch+cooperative+fruit grower" mode to uniformly pick, package and sell fruit online and offline, so as to help fruit growers increase their income.

"Qingjian" is a seasonal fruit that is sold in different seasons and regulates the fruit market. It has become the "golden fruit" for local fruit farmers to continuously increase their income.

 Fruit farmers form a "golden circle". Photographed by Liu Haitian, reporter of People's Daily Online

Fruit farmers form a "golden circle". Photographed by Pan Jianyong

 Fill the car with boxes of fruits. Photographed by Liu Haitian, reporter of People's Daily Online

Fill the car with boxes of fruits. Photographed by Pan Jianyong

 The fruit of becoming rich is firmly packed. Photographed by Liu Haitian, reporter of People's Daily Online

The fruit of becoming rich is firmly packed. Photographed by Pan Jianyong

 Take the "golden cart" in the green fields. Photographed by Liu Haitian, reporter of People's Daily Online

Take the "golden cart" in the green fields. Photographed by Pan Jianyong

 The machine is divided into different sizes. Photographed by Liu Haitian, reporter of People's Daily Online

The machine is divided into different sizes. Photographed by Liu Haitian, reporter of People's Daily Online

 The countryside hopes to create with both hands. Photographed by Liu Haitian, reporter of People's Daily Online

The countryside hopes to create with both hands. Photographed by Liu Haitian, reporter of People's Daily Online

 There is much sweetness in the carton. Photographed by Pan Jianyong

There is much sweetness in the carton. Photographed by Liu Haitian, reporter of People's Daily Online

 Grasp the sweet life. Photographed by Liu Haitian, reporter of People's Daily Online

Grasp the sweet life. Photographed by Liu Haitian, reporter of People's Daily Online

 Hand check the oranges to load the truck. Photographed by Pan Jianyong

Hand check the oranges to load the truck. Photographed by Liu Haitian, reporter of People's Daily Online

 Fumin has many fruits. Photographed by Pan Jianyong

Fumin has many fruits. Photographed by Liu Haitian, reporter of People's Daily Online

(Editor in charge: Li Qiangqiang, Xue Yujian)

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