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A Hundred Mainstream Media Entered Yi Township to See the New Look of Liangshan

May 18, 2024 07:48 | Source: People's Daily
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According to the Xinhua News Agency, Chengdu, May 17 (reporter Wu Guangyu), the National Mainstream Media Helping Rural Revitalization Conference jointly sponsored by China Press Association, Sichuan Press Association and Liangshan Prefecture Committee of the Communist Party of China and the "Yi Village Trip of Chief Editors of 100 Mainstream Media in 'Colorful Liangshan in the Yi Sea Alliance Area'" activity was held in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan Province from May 14 to May 16.

During the event, nearly one hundred mainstream media reporters from all over the country went to the villages, urban communities and industrial parks in Xichang City, Zhaojue County, Mianning County and other places in Liangshan Prefecture to enjoy the beauty of mountains and waters, the charm of humanity, the attitude of striving and the change of development in Liangshan.

Dashiban Village, Xichang City, is close to the mountain and by the river. It is surrounded by yellow walls and black tiles, and winding paths lead to secluded places. Media reporters here have a taste of nostalgia with the characteristics of ancient villages in the southwest. "Liangshan has beautiful green water and green mountains, and colorful local culture. Deeply excavating and making full use of these resources will certainly inject new impetus into rural development," said Zhang Yue, deputy director of the Business Development Department of China Press Association.

In Sanhe Village, Sanchahe Town, Zhaojue County, media reporters came to the village's old site, villagers' new houses, village history hall, agricultural products exhibition hall and other places to understand the great changes brought by poverty alleviation and rural revitalization. At the Yihai Lake in Mianning County, villagers told reporters about the "Alliance Spring" and the "Red Army Tree".

People's Daily (May 18, 2024, Version 6)

(Editor in charge: Li Qiangqiang, Zhang Huawei)

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