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At least 2! New members of wild giant pandas in Dayi area of Giant Panda National Park

Zhao Zule
May 15, 2024 09:43 | Source: People's Daily Online - Sichuan Channel
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Recently, in the Wutonggou area of Xiling Snow Mountain in Dayi County, Chengdu, the infrared camera again captured the image of wild giant pandas in the same mirror, with at least two pairs of mothers and children.

It is reported that as early as July 10, 2014, the mother and child of wild giant pandas were photographed in the Qiaoyan area of Xiling Snow Mountain by infrared cameras. This time, in the Wutonggou area of Xiling Snow Mountain, at least two pairs of wild giant pandas were photographed by infrared cameras.

 In December 2023, the mother and son of the panda will have smaller cubs. Drawing provided by Dayi Management and Protection Station of Giant Panda National Park

In December 2023, the mother and son of the panda will have smaller cubs. Drawing provided by Dayi Management and Protection Station of Giant Panda National Park

"In the same data card, the video of mother and son 'calling' was recorded on December 28, 2023, and the video of mother and son drinking water was recorded on April 1, 2024. The two images of mother and son in the same mirror showed that the size of young giant pandas differed greatly. We judged that at least two new members had been added to the wild giant pandas in the area." Zeng Zejun, deputy head of Dayi Management and Protection Station of Giant Panda National Park, said, A total of 10 infrared cameras were installed in the Wutonggou management and protection area, covering 40 square kilometers of the reserve. Giant pandas appeared in 7 of the 10 data cards retrieved, and 5 of them appeared in the same mirror.

It is understood that since its establishment, the Dayi Management and Protection Station of the Giant Panda National Park has focused on high-quality construction of the Giant Panda National Park and insisted on ecological restoration. In recent years, great changes have taken place in the natural ecological environment of the area, the living environment of wild animals has been constantly improved, and the frequency of recording giant pandas has been increasing. Precious photos and video data such as "eating and broadcasting", "calling", bailing water with hands, plowing snow, rolling snow and so on have emerged frequently.

 In December 2023, another giant panda cub will be active. Drawing provided by Dayi Management and Protection Station of Giant Panda National Park

In December 2023, another giant panda cub will be active. Drawing provided by Dayi Management and Protection Station of Giant Panda National Park

 In February 2024, the mother and child of the panda appeared on the screen. Drawing provided by Dayi Management and Protection Station of Giant Panda National Park

In February 2024, mother and baby pandas will appear on the screen. Drawing provided by Dayi Management and Protection Station of Giant Panda National Park

 Mother and son drink water in April 2024. Drawing provided by Dayi Management and Protection Station of Giant Panda National Park

In April 2024, mother and baby pandas drink water. Drawing provided by Dayi Management and Protection Station of Giant Panda National Park

(Editor in charge: Luo Yu, Gao Hongxia)

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