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Echo | Netizens suggest accelerating the construction of charging piles in national and provincial trunk lines Sichuan: 130 new charging piles are expected this year

May 14, 2024 09:24 | Source: People's Daily Online - Sichuan Channel
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People's Daily Online, Chengdu, May 14 (Li Qiangqiang) Recently, a netizen in Dazhou City, Sichuan Province, left a message on the People's Daily Online "Leaders' Message Board" saying that there are more and more new energy vehicles, and the main positions of charging pile construction are mainly concentrated in urban areas, which is not conducive to creating a consumption and use environment for new energy vehicles purchased and already purchased. "I hope to speed up the construction of charging piles on provincial and national roads".

 Screenshot of "Leader Message Board" on People's Daily Online

Screenshot of "Leader Message Board" on People's Daily Online

After receiving the message, Dazhou Transportation Bureau replied that since the "14th Five Year Plan", Dazhou has actively promoted the scientific deployment of infrastructure in national and provincial trunk highway service areas according to local conditions. Currently, charging infrastructure has been installed in S202 Maoerba Service Area and G210 Jujiaba Service Area in Wanyuan City according to local conditions. In the next step, the Bureau will strengthen the guidance on the operation management and service guarantee of ordinary national and provincial trunk highway service areas, promote the scientific deployment of infrastructure in accordance with local conditions in highway service areas, continue to expand the coverage of highway network charging infrastructure, install charging facilities in highway service areas that meet the construction conditions, continuously improve service facilities and enhance public service capacity.

 Screenshot of official reply to "Leaders' Message Board" on People's Daily Online

Screenshot of official reply to "Leaders' Message Board" on People's Daily Online

According to the statistics of Sichuan Provincial Department of Transport, as of December 2023, 165 pairs of charging piles have been built in the expressway service areas in Sichuan, with the maximum spacing of 66 kilometers and the minimum spacing of 19 kilometers, realizing full coverage of 21 cities (prefectures).

At the 2024 Sichuan Expressway Network Operation Management Joint Meeting held on February 4, the relevant responsible person said that in 2024, the expansion of charging piles in the service area will be accelerated, the charging service capacity will be enhanced, and the coverage of charging piles will be continuously improved. According to the plan, it is estimated that 130 charging posts will be built in Sichuan Province in 2024.

In addition, the Sichuan "Electric Sichuan" Transport Field Implementation Plan (2024-2025) issued at the beginning of 2024 clearly stated that the construction of charging piles in existing expressway service areas would be accelerated, and charging piles in under construction and new expressway service areas would be constructed and put into operation simultaneously with the main works, In principle, the parking spaces with quick charging piles or reserved installation conditions in each service area shall not be less than 10% of the parking spaces for small buses. By 2025, the expressway service areas in the province will achieve 100% coverage of fast filling piles. Where it is difficult to cover the expressway in a short period of time, economic trunk roads and tourist trunk roads will be the main ones, and charging piles will be built in service areas; Build or add charging piles and special parking spaces at highway passenger transport hubs.

In November 2023, the Work Plan of Sichuan Province on Accelerating Charging Infrastructure Construction and Supporting New Energy Vehicles to Go to the Countryside and Revitalize the Rural Area issued clearly defines the goals of charging infrastructure construction in rural areas. By 2025, more than 22000 rural public charging piles with a single pile power of not less than 60 kW will be built in principle, including not less than 15000 in urban and rural integration areas, and not less than 7000 in rural areas. In areas where new energy vehicles are suitable, "full coverage of counties and counties", "full coverage of villages and towns" The sales experience and maintenance service outlets of new energy vehicles are "fully covered in every county".

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(Editor in charge: Li Qiangqiang, Gao Hongxia)

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