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- Focusing on Chengdu Chongqing Film and Television Development Conference -

Chengdu Chongqing Film and Television Development Conference: Industry experts discuss the development of two cities

18:02, May 19, 2023 | Source: People's Daily Online - Sichuan Channel
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People's Daily Online, Chengdu, May 19 (Liu Haitian) The artist respects the art, and the benevolent person is Anren. On May 19, the Chengdu Chongqing Film and Television Development Conference was held at Sichuan Film and Television Institute in Anren Town, Dayi County, Chengdu. After the wonderful opening ceremony, the conference held keynote speeches and round table sessions.

At the round table meeting, the host invited Pei Yungang, deputy general manager of Chongqing Film Group, Zhao Bin, general manager of Xingwen Investment of Chengdu Culture and Tourism Group, Zhou Xing, professor of the School of Arts and Media of Beijing Normal University, director of the Drama, Film and Television Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, and director of the Institute of Art Education, Liu Yuan, deputy general manager of CCTV Guanghua Creative Culture Technology Co., Ltd, Xi Xin, a director, screenwriter and producer from the mainland of China, and others made wonderful and original speeches around the theme of "promoting the interconnection and complementarity of film and television cultural industries, and promoting integration and mutual promotion".

The venue of the round table. Photographed by Gu Yinuo

Zhou Xing said that human development is the first important thing. Whether it is the high-quality development of the city, the development of Chinese style modernization, or the film and television empowerment, all focus on people. The mountains, rivers, cultural atmosphere, landforms, as well as its photographic ability, together with the industrialization mentioned by many experts, Chengdu Chongqing has shown its advantages in the further integration and development of artificial intelligence, high-tech technology, short video, etc. "I think this meeting is very important. The development of the two places has shown the prospect of giving greater development to film and television education, which is just around the corner," said Zhou Xing.

Pei Yungang believes that although Chengdu and Chongqing have different cultural attributes, they are originally a family. Chongqing Film Group has a lot of interactions with E Film Group, including Chengdu. For example, Baisha Film Base has established an interactive relationship with Pixian County, Sichuan Province. The university alliance in Sichuan and Chongqing can be integrated to do more work. As for the distribution of theme films, Chengdu Chongqing region can also be linked.

Zhao Bin introduced that Chengdu Culture and Tourism Group has entered the new track of "Culture and Tourism+Film and Television" since October 2020 to do what young people love. "If Chengdu has been on the edge of the film and television industry in the past 20 to 30 years, I think it is possible that in the next 3 to 5 years, Chengdu and Chongqing will join hands and really be able to overtake on the curve and become the vanguard of the whole industry. This is the original starting point for our Chengdu Culture and Tourism Group to do this."

Liu Yuan said that at present, the industrial boundary is becoming more and more blurred, so common integration and coordinated development are imperative and very important. This year,, Mianyang Municipal Government of Sichuan Province and Jiangyou Municipal Government jointly held the Mianyang Tourism and Culture Conference. gave full play to its unique service mode and service ecology of "content+platform+technology", and helped build Jiangyou, the hometown of Li Bai, with the advantages of media resources, content production and high-quality communication.

Xi Xin shared his mental journey and behind the scenes details of shooting "All the Way Forward". According to him, they started to incubate "All the Way Forward" the year before last, which is a project showing that Chengdu and Chongqing are closely linked. At the same time, in his speech, Xi Xin spoke highly of the development and contribution of Sichuan Film and Television. "If film and television can prosper, if it can produce particularly good products, it is absolutely inseparable from the achievements of film and television schools.".

(Editor in charge: Li Qiangqiang, Gao Hongxia)

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