
[Former Weibo 8th Road blogger]

I wanted to write a blog with peace of mind for seven or eight years. In March this year, I sold Weiba Road, applied for Rushihu [Note 1], and filed again.


The blogger installed the blog program for me and installed various necessary plug-ins to make it easy to restart. I have met many enthusiastic bloggers in my blog career, and Jiang Chen, the blogger of Fantasy Chenfeng [Note 3], has also contributed to my blog installation and management fees. Thank you all.

[Note 1] http://rushihu.com/

[Note 2] https://couqiao.net/

[Note 3] https://www.mhcf.net/

[Note 4] http://www.yuetuce.com/

[2022 Writing and Reading Plan]

2022 Writing and Reading Plan

[WeChat official account]

The blogger runs a WeChat public account, which not only publishes the blog's articles on the public account, but also shares photos taken daily.

How to contact bloggers

Blogger's WeChat


  1. Hello, blogger!
    Your blog has been included in my personal project accumulated salary (), which is an independent blog included navigation station. In order to provide a flow source for bloggers who still insist on writing long articles.
    I set up a WeChat group and invited webmasters of these included blogs to join, hoping to get first-hand feedback from you for subsequent iterative optimization. In addition, I also want to know some people who still insist on writing in this era.
    You can send the QR code to you by replying to my email.
    It doesn't matter if you don't want to join the group. This is my external contact mailbox for this project. If you have any idea about this website, please contact me by email.

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