None but Li
On August 4, QQ Whirlwind, which has operated for nine years, released a "QQ Whirlwind Offline Announcement" on its official website, which mentioned that "due to the adjustment in business development, 'QQ Whirlwind' will stop operating on September 6, 2017." The classic download tool of the first generation has been retired after nine years of operation, but this is not Tencent's first product to give up recently. In March this year, Tencent's short video sharing community Microvision announced that it would shut down the service on April 10, and suggested that users log on to the official website of Microvision and enter their personal pages to download and save videos. In July, another Tencent product, Youren, also announced that it would stop operating. Tencent said, "Due to the business adjustment, Friend. com will stop its service and operation on August 6, 2017. It is recommended to download and backup your photos
 To the dying QQ whirlwind, another old download tool is offline!
 To the dying QQ whirlwind, another old download tool is offline!
None but Li
A young man fell in love with a girl who worked in a convenience store. He would go to the shop where the girl worked every day to buy a pack of cigarettes. Gradually, the two people began to get familiar with each other. When the girl was bored with her work, the young man would appear, and he would talk with her or amuse her. The girl also knew that young people seemed to like themselves, But I already have a very good boyfriend. There is a shop with a toy machine The girl loved the doll inside. After the young man knew it, he finally confessed to her that day and hoped that the girl would accept him. The girl who did not know what to do could only tell the young man cruelly that she and he were impossible, because she already had a beloved boyfriend. After hearing this, the young man nodded silently. He did not give up his heart to ask the girl, did he really have a chance
 I used to love someone with my heart
None but Li
This article mainly introduces the solution to the PHP error WARNING: SESSION_START() [FUNCTION. ESSION-START]. You can refer to the following for friends who need it. Sometimes, when operating sessions, you will encounter this problem: Warning: session_start() [function. session start]...... System environment: WIN2003+IIS 6+PHP5.2.12 PHP has the following error: Warning: session_start() [function. session start]: failed...
None but Li
I accidentally found that the database of WordPress site is very large, but there are less than 10 articles in this site. It's unreasonable for such a large database. Then start to find out the reason. It is found that the database type in the background of phpmyadmin is different from other wp sites. This site is InnoDB and the other wp sites are MyISAM. I also forgot how it came about. InnoDB type will cause the size of the database to expand several times, so I decided to convert from InnoDB type to MyISAM type. The database is a bit troublesome. I went to the Internet and didn't find an exact answer. I simply asked the military brother on the forum and soon got a reply. Here, I would like to praise the diligent military brother and thank him for his lnmp
 Tutorial on Converting MySQL Database InnoDB to MyISAM
 Tutorial on Converting MySQL Database InnoDB to MyISAM
None but Li
There has always been such a question, how much does website optimization cost? How to charge for SEO optimization? What is your SEO pricing standard and so on. But sometimes I really can't answer the questions about SEO fees and quotations. I suggest you take a look first and do a good job in SEO optimization! First of all, I hope netizens will understand that website optimization and keyword ranking are not a fixed model. According to the size of the website, the type of website, the degree of competition of the website, the degree of competition of the industry, and other factors, the difficulty of website optimization will be different. So, how much does website optimization cost? Such problems must be analyzed according to different situations in order to give a reasonable seo quotation scheme. For example, the reasons that affect the SEO outsourcing price
 How much does website optimization cost? How to charge for SEO optimization?
 How much does website optimization cost? How to charge for SEO optimization?
 How much does website optimization cost? How to charge for SEO optimization?
None but Li
First of all, introduce what is a freelancer: freelancer is a new professional form. Freelance writing is the main job, and the main income depends on this profession. Freelance writers are the same as any profession. Not everyone can engage in this profession, nor can only a few people with profound writing skills do a good job. You should know that you can't get rich overnight by writing a blog. It takes time to continuously publish high-quality articles and provide valuable ideas to make a blog grow. In addition, it also depends on your blog's focus on the subject area. You also need some SEO ranking optimization skills to slowly improve your blog ranking. But can we continue without income? How much output can the input of domain name, space renewal, and related software tool fees have
 [Contributing] How can freelancers make money through blogs and other self media?
 [Contributing] How can freelancers make money through blogs and other self media?
 [Contributing] How can freelancers make money through blogs and other self media?
None but Li
Many Apple fans have had questions about how to restore the deleted QQ chat records on their iPhones. With the popularity of WeChat, fewer and fewer people use QQ in their daily life. But at work, QQ is still the main communication tool. Many company websites have customer service QQ, but no customer service WeChat. WeChat is used for personal chat in life, while QQ is used for business contact at work, which has become the current social software pattern. Today, I'm going to teach you how to restore the QQ chat records on your iPhone that were accidentally deleted. 1. First open a Windows system computer, Win7, Win8, Win10, and then connect the iPhone to which you want to restore QQ chat records. 2. Install and run iTunes on your computer
 How to restore the deleted QQ chat record of Apple mobile phone
 How to restore the deleted QQ chat record of Apple mobile phone
 How to restore the deleted QQ chat record of Apple mobile phone
 How to restore the deleted QQ chat record of Apple mobile phone
 How to restore the deleted QQ chat record of Apple mobile phone
 How to restore the deleted QQ chat record of Apple mobile phone
 How to restore the deleted QQ chat record of Apple mobile phone
 How to restore the deleted QQ chat record of Apple mobile phone
None but Li
One of the most important tasks in the whole network marketing is to optimize enterprise keywords, including the promotion of enterprise information. In fact, the rules of SEO optimization ranking are not as complex as expected. In fact, it is nothing more than solving the Baidu ranking problem in several aspects. Here, we simply count the planning and algorithm of Baidu search engine optimization for self use; 1. Baidu Lvluo Algorithm Baidu Lvluo Algorithm is a search engine anti cheating algorithm launched by Baidu on February 19, 2013. This algorithm mainly combats hyperchain cheating such as hyperchain intermediaries, selling links, and buying links. The introduction of this algorithm effectively stops malicious exchange of links, releases the behavior of external chains, and effectively purifies the Internet ecosystem. I have never believed that Baidu Lvluo algorithm can figure out whether your link is purchased, but actually Baidu
 Baidu keyword optimization algorithm and rules
 Baidu keyword optimization algorithm and rules
 Baidu keyword optimization algorithm and rules
None but Li
Recently, there are few blog articles included, and I found some information. Maybe SEO optimization has been done too much, leading to the site being K, how to deal with the site being K?, Several common methods to promote the site included and have a good ranking effect. So sort out the reasons why the website is not included by Baidu or K station, and make a reference. 1. Select the domain name. When we register a domain name, we need to pay attention to whether the domain name has been used. If we register a domain name that has been downgraded before, it will be a sad thing. If you register it and want to be included again later, it will take a long test period. Before we register the domain name, we first check whether there is a record of inclusion through various search engines, and if there is, what is the next content. If the content is regular, there should be no problem. It may be
 Baidu does not include, the website is K how to do?
 Baidu does not include, the website is K how to do?
None but Li
Good page layout and code optimization play a positive role in promoting the user experience. Of course, a natural page sense is also an indispensable professional skill for SEO. SEO should pay attention to the following basic operations when optimizing website home page design: First, the main navigation coverage should be wide. The navigation bar is the most important part of the content displayed on the home page, so it is necessary for SEO specialists to pay attention to the navigation bar. The lack of coverage of the website in the navigation bar can easily lead to the loss of traffic and affect the development of the website. 2、 Try to separate secondary navigation on the left. Users have a strong demand for popular topics when searching the page, so the necessity of a perfect popular search form, that is, secondary navigation, appears, which can intuitively meet users'
 SEO optimization - basic requirements for website homepage design
None but Li
Recently, the anti cheating team of 360 Search said that it has officially launched the "Wukong Algorithm", which is mainly aimed at the situation that the website cannot display the title and summary in the search results page after being hacked. According to the official, Wukong algorithm can automatically identify the hacked websites to prevent gambling and pornographic information from adversely affecting the websites. The following is the full text of the announcement: various hacker attacks against websites on the Internet are becoming increasingly serious. After the website is hacked, it will not be able to display normal titles and summaries in the search results. Instead, it will be replaced by bad content such as gambling and pornography, which will have a very bad impact on the ranking, website traffic, reputation and user experience of the website in the search engine. The hidden fraud and phishing will seriously damage the interests of netizens. In view of the website blackout phenomenon, based on 3
 360 search online "Wukong algorithm" can identify the website that is hacked without "color"!
 360 search online "Wukong algorithm" can identify the website that is hacked without "color"!
 360 search online "Wukong algorithm" can identify the website that is hacked without "color"!
 360 search online "Wukong algorithm" can identify the website that is hacked without "color"!
None but Li
On January 9, with the official release of WeChat applet. This concept put forward a year ago has officially entered our vision. I also found the applet released that day at the first time to experience it. Will applets subvert the original ecology? On the day when the applet was released, a voice appeared in the circle of friends, saying that the applet would have a significant impact on the mobile application ecosystem, and so on. After hearing this information, some friends who are developing APP even feel confused. After a period of experience, based on my own analysis, I don't think so. Therefore, partners who have just stepped into the field of APP development need not be nervous. Now let me share my analysis with you. First of all, from the history of the Internet I have experienced, any technology or platform wants to completely replace another
 Some opinions on WeChat applet
 Some opinions on WeChat applet