Li Yang's personal blog template demonstration station

Theme template demonstration station, there must be one you like

Z-blogPHP call article, the first tutorial with different styles

In fact, I had planned to create a cms blog theme for a long time, but due to my own time and technical constraints, there has always been a problem unsolved, that is, calling the articles under a certain column. The first article has a different arrangement style from other articles. For example, the current blog of our site calls five articles, of which the first article has a different style from the other four, It looks better like this, don't you think? I also thought about using other methods to solve the problem, but none of them is ideal. There are too many codes piled up, which affects the speed of the website, which goes against the original intention of making a theme. I finally learned this skill a few days ago. I saw it in the Tianxing blog tutorial, so the Brieflee theme came out. When I have time today, I can write this tutorial. If necessary, I can take it away directly

A tutorial on displaying different advertisements on PC and mobile sides of Z-blogPHP website

We should have some knowledge about adaptation, but we have been thinking about how to display different advertisements on the PC side and mobile side. Some time ago, because of work, we have been busy, and gradually forget about it. Occasionally, I saw an introduction of different advertisements implemented by wp in Baidu, so whether it can be implemented by zbp under Baidu, after testing, it really can (and the most sad thing is that the official group has a tutorial for adaptive display of different advertisements, but it is not easy to use ^ _ ^). Please feel free to post the tutorial if you like (PS: suggest Xiaobai find the developer of your theme and let him join in, so as to avoid making mistakes in his own modification, which will result in the website being unable to open) First open the "include. php" file under the theme directory (don't ask me what this file is, I also

Z-blogPHP Comment Beautify Tutorial

For days, I was tired and forced. When I was bored, I saw an article on Tu Tuyan's blog to beautify the comments. I added "@ name" to the tutorial before replying to the message. I felt it was good. I tested it myself and it was pretty good, as shown in the figure: friends who like it can try to modify it by themselves, and pay attention to backup before modifying the template! Pay attention to backup! Primary Backup! Use FTP and other remote connection tools, open the website directory, find the theme template file comment.php, search for "{$comment. Content}" and add the following code in front of it: {if $comment. ParentID!=0} {php} $newc=$zbp->GetCommen

Quickly build MIP and experience friendly mobile pages

Before reading this article, please make sure that you have understood the definition of MIP and the principle of acceleration. If you are not sure, you can go to the MIP official website. The content of the article comes from the MIP blog. Preparation and precautions in the early stage of transformation: You can choose to directly change the original mobile station to a MIP station, or you can make a separate set of MIP stations and mobile stations coexist. MIP transformation is not recommended for complex pages. At present, it has better support for information, graphics and text. If the function is more complex, it is recommended to customize components or wait for the MIP project team to develop. The transformation needs to have some knowledge of html. The MIP transformation tutorial should follow the tutorial. Pay special attention to case. It is recommended to use lower case for the whole. We transform an html page step by step from top to bottom, as long as

Brieflee theme - give you the best (updated in August)

Brieflee responsive theme with simple design is perfectly compatible with all mobile devices. Template page introduction: 404, error page template; about, Separate page template; (Enable sidebar 3) Catalog, classified list template; links, Friendship link template; search, Search page template; sitemap, Article archiving template (create a new page in the background, select this template, and the timeline will show the effect). Update: Feel it for yourself, I'm too lazy to write it. Anyway, it is to fix the problem that the CMS classification on the home page does not display articles. I don't know how to describe it! Previous update: optimize the display effect of friendship links; Optimize the theme background interface function; Click to enlarge the updated picture, which is from the plug-in of Song Dynasty. Optimization Streamline code Other optimizations. Add the whole station

JS special effect of rolling loading animation on website page (II)

Yesterday, the website page scrolling animation JS special effect was released, but the loaded page is not perfect. The article page cannot be loaded directly, and the scroll bar needs to continue. It may be caused by not adjusting the js. So today, we retested wow.js, and I feel this is good. I like it very much. If you are interested, you can test it. When the page scrolls down, some elements will produce small animation effects. Although the animation is small, it can attract your attention. For example, just released the iPhone 6 page (view). If you want your page to be more interesting, you can try WOW.js. WOW.js depends on animate.css, so it supports animate.cs

Website page scrolling loading animation JS special effect

The dust finally settled. A while ago, I was very busy. I got married and worked together because of the marriage leave and annual leave. As a result, I haven't updated my blog for a long time. Today, I took the time to bring you a js special effect. The website module delayed loading animation. I wanted to make this function before the holiday. The page scrolled and loaded, looking very comfortable. It was not finished until today. The tutorial was also found online. I tested many of them, but I still think this one is better. Interested friends can test. brief introduction Like WOW.js, scrollReveal.js is also a Jav with scrolling animation

Tutorial on batch replacement of https for zblogphp database

Since the upgrade of zhp1.5, we have been using the most secure HTTPS access, but we also encountered many problems during this period, such as the previous blog pictures, because this site uses the Seven Bull Cloud storage, and all the pictures are in the form of http, but this problem will lead to unsafe factors in the web page display website. On the way home from work last night, I suddenly remembered whether MySQL could execute SQL statements to achieve batch replacement. As a result, when I asked in the group at work this morning, the blogger Xiaofeng said that it was OK and connected to me, and then started to operate according to the tutorial, update table name set field name=(REPLACE (field name, 'http://', 'https:

Zblogphp has been updated to 1.5, and the blacklee theme template has also been updated.

I haven't written an article for a long time. At present, Zbp1.5 has been released and the final test upgrade is in progress. Generally speaking, the theme can be directly compatible. Of course, there will be some accidents. I will write a summary after the test. In recent days, I have been making a new zbp theme, which is basically completed, but has not yet been named. The style is not far from the current one, but it has simplified a lot of code and redeployed HTML5+CSS3. When I finished, I found that I still have a special liking for the current blacklee theme, so I have also made a new plan on this basis and simply recorded it. 1. First, according to the suggestions of netizens,

Zblogphp presents the theme

Recently, I have been busy with a few small tasks. The customer has customized the theme of the gift. This theme has been prepared. It will not be sold, but only displayed.

But then again, the theme of the gift is very beautiful, because it was also referred to the gift website as a theme before, just a little bit, more elements of other styles. This time, 1:1 imitation from beginning to end is really not an ordinary trouble.

Zblogphp Unlimited Drop Down Tutorial

People keep leaving and entering in life, so what they see is invisible, what they remember is forgotten, and what they gain and lose is constant in life, so what they see is invisible, and what they forget is remembered. The scorching summer brings light rain, warm wind, and also beautiful summer. The swirling blue patterns make us feel beautiful. Maybe life is busy and green, so we often have no time to enjoy the beautiful scenery,

Filmlee theme: the first free zbp theme

The first filmlee movie theme: originally intended to be a movie type blog, but it was found to be very powerful after it was finished. It supports finger sliding on the mobile end. SEO is very good and has strengthened the use of HTML5+CSS3 compilation. See the demo for others. This theme is a theme I transplanted from WP Fun Park, named filmlee, because I intend to make it as a movie blog, so it is so named. This theme re optimizes some code, simplifies some labels, and adds the special effect of slide finger sliding. It is a good theme in general

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