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Don't let nearsightedness ruin your child

According to the market survey, the myopia rate of primary school students is 25%, that of junior high school students is 75%, and that of senior high school students is as high as 85%, with an annual growth rate of 8%! Do your children or the children around you write on the desk or tilt their heads or close to the exercise books? Such consequences are myopia and hunchback, which will also have an impact on the spine in serious cases. Therefore, parents are also worried and will constantly remind their children to sit up straight! But parents can't remind us all the time. My children play around a lot and have just started to write. This has already happened. All the children around me are like this, and they even squint with glasses! Parents are worried. After thinking about their children, I don't have much time to remind her. By chance, I saw this product and followed me for the sake of children

Introduction to the working principle of SEO search engine optimization

The working principle of search engine is a basic course that SEO practitioners should understand, but some people say that the working principle of search engine is not easy for novices to understand, because the working principle is too abstract, and the search engine is changeable, no matter who can really understand the working principle of search. What I want to say is that no matter how the search engine changes, the general principle of inclusion will not change: 1. Find the URL of the website and download the page. 2. Determine whether the page quality reaches the inclusion standard, or delete it. 3. Determine whether the included page is updated and update the page snapshot. The above three are the basic rules for search engines to include pages, and neither Baidu nor Google will violate them. Then we can explain the working principle of search engine in detail based on the above three items.

To do a good job in SEO, you must know that the nofollow tag is useful

I believe that many SEO friends don't understand "nofollow". At least you don't know how to use it when SEO optimizes websites. We wrote an article "SEO optimization - basic requirements for website home page design" before, so what does nofollow mean today? According to Baidu Encyclopedia, nofollow is the attribute value of an HTML tag. The meaning of this tag is to tell search engines not to follow the links on this page or this specific link. What does this mean? To put it bluntly, it tells search engine spiders not to transmit the weight of this URL or the entire page. If there is a link on page A to page B, but page A adds this link

How Baidu Encyclopedia successfully created entries (editorial)

Yesterday, we talked about how Baidu Encyclopedia successfully created entries (preparatory chapter). So we are ready to start implementing it. In fact, this article does not have any skills. It is mainly to organize and edit the reference materials. Avoid subjective words. After having reference materials, you can extract the contents of the reference materials for editing. There are two points to note: (1) The contents of the entries must appear in the reference materials; (2) Be sure to remove subjective, emotional and adjective words, such as rich and beautiful...... Enterprise entries can try enterprise channels. I won't say much about this. The entry specially prepared for the enterprise entry will have a greater chance of passing through the enterprise entry. 1. Modify according to the review. For such terms with obvious commercial nature, it is possible for the machine to pass the review

What if the operator plays rascal and the traffic is hijacked

To my surprise, in the domestic network environment, the biggest threat to security comes from the operators who make Internet companies dare to be angry. On December 25, 2015, Tencent, Xiaomi, 360, Today Toutiao, Meituan, and Weibo issued a joint statement calling for the fight against traffic hijacking. Although the statement only dares to say that "some institutions" hijack traffic, industry insiders know who "some institutions" are and how bold they are to play rascals. Almost every user has encountered that a web page opened by mobile phone is forcibly inserted into a business order menu or an illegal pop-up advertisement by China Mobile, China Unicom or China Telecom. Even the page opened in WeChat is doomed. These inexplicable menus and pop-up ads not only seriously affect the normal browsing of users

Whether enterprises should develop their own websites or use open source programs

Recently, I was building a website for the company, and I suddenly thought of this question. Is it better to build an enterprise website independently or use open source programs? So I checked the information, and the general situation is like this. First of all, what is CMS? CMS (Content Management System) is the abbreviation of website content management system. Every website on the Internet is supported by a professional content management system - no matter how big a website is, it is driven by CMS. For example, Baidu official website, Baidu website content management system, as long as Robin Li is happy, it can be Baidu CMS, of course, this is just a nickname, or abbreviation. So, some people say that my website is not developed by CMS, but my own original writing, which itself

Four common sense you need to know to do a good job in SEO optimization

SEO optimization is easy to say but difficult to do. Many new people are often confused at the beginning of their work. In addition, the beginning of website optimization is the most difficult. Often new people ask why I have done so much optimization, but the website ranking has not risen? Why is the effect not as good as what you think? SEO optimization is simply original content and external links. It seems simple, but it is really a sad thing to do Today, I would like to talk about some of the problems that SEOER newcomers often encounter. I hope it will be helpful to the newcomers. 1、 The original content that is rotten, since it is almost rotten, shows the importance of original content. The minor editor also came from a newcomer, and also knew that newcomers were difficult to write high-quality articles at the beginning of their work. Now let's introduce the editor

Baidu keyword optimization algorithm and rules

One of the most important tasks in the whole network marketing is to optimize enterprise keywords, including the promotion of enterprise information. In fact, the rules of SEO optimization ranking are not as complex as expected. In fact, it is just a matter of solving Baidu ranking problems in several aspects. Here, we simply count the planning and algorithm of Baidu search engine optimization for self use; 1. Baidu Lvluo Algorithm Baidu Lvluo Algorithm is a search engine anti cheating algorithm launched by Baidu on February 19, 2013. This algorithm mainly combats hyperchain cheating such as hyperchain intermediaries, selling links, and buying links. The introduction of this algorithm effectively stops malicious exchange of links, releases the behavior of external chains, and effectively purifies the Internet ecosystem. I never believed that Baidu Lvluo algorithm could figure out whether your link was purchased, but actually Baidu

What is the whole network marketing? Once in a century, deep and good writing

Whole network marketing is the abbreviation of whole network integrated marketing. It is not only the diversification of marketing methods, but also the effective integration and combination of the latest marketing methods, more like a new marketing model or marketing revolution. The whole network marketing uses big data analysis to integrate brand planning, product planning, product development, website store construction, website store operation, brand promotion, marketing planning, product distribution, customer post maintenance and a series of e-commerce content into a new marketing model. The whole network marketing has realized the connection of all website backends, integrating the traditional network, mobile Internet and PC Internet, forming a huge network marketing system. The whole network marketing is the innovation and breakthrough of the whole media industry, and is an essential tool for marketing in this era. Its powerful whole network coverage function and convenient

How to play microblog well and do well in microblog marketing?

I don't remember a few years ago, when Sina Weibo just started to become popular in China, and then I registered one along the stream. At that time, I should have just started college. I can't remember the exact time. After registering Sina Weibo, it has been idle there all the time. When I think about it, it is clockwork. The active time in a year may only be a few days. A year later, I found that there were dozens of fans following Weibo. However, I didn't think it was fun at that time, so I gradually stopped caring about it. Later, I saw that the popularity of microblogging was often discussed on the Internet, and many new terms such as "microblogging marketing", "microblogging powder", "microblogging talent" and so on appeared. Later, I was curious to play microblogging again. The number and breadth of Sina Weibo in China

SEO optimization - basic requirements for website homepage design

Good page layout and code optimization play a positive role in promoting the user experience. Of course, a natural page sense is also an indispensable professional skill for SEO. SEO should pay attention to the following basic operations when optimizing website home page design: First, the main navigation coverage should be wide. The navigation bar is the most important part of the content displayed on the home page, so it is necessary for SEO specialists to pay attention to the navigation bar. The lack of coverage of the website in the navigation bar can easily lead to the loss of traffic and affect the development of the website. 2、 Try to separate secondary navigation on the left. Users have a strong demand for popular topics when searching the page, so the necessity of a perfect popular search form, that is, secondary navigation, appears, which can intuitively meet the needs of users

Some opinions on WeChat applet

On January 9, with the official release of WeChat applet. This concept put forward a year ago has officially entered our vision. I also found the applet released that day at the first time to experience it. Will applets subvert the original ecology? On the day when the applet was released, a voice appeared in the circle of friends, saying that the applet would have a significant impact on the mobile application ecosystem, and so on. After hearing this information, some friends who are developing APP even feel confused. After a period of experience, based on my own analysis, I don't think so. Therefore, partners who have just stepped into the field of APP development need not be nervous. Now let me share my analysis with you. First of all, from the history of the Internet I have experienced, any technology or platform wants to completely replace another

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