The domain name you are visiting qbm.com.cn Transferable! If you are interested in this domain name, please click here Provide your quotation.
This domain name qbm.com.cn is for sale! If you would like to purchase this domain name, please click here to make an offer。
transaction mode
1. Through iName.com( 22.cn )Intermediary transaction

Aiming.com( 22.cn )It is an old domain name trading service provider in China,

Email: escrow@22.cn

Consulting telephone: four billion six million six hundred and sixty-two thousand and twenty-two

The specific transaction process can click here see

2. Contact the domain name broker of iName.com and make one-on-one communication throughout the whole process to escort your transaction
contact information
fifteen billion eight hundred and ten million one hundred and six thousand and eighty
Q Q:
seven hundred and eighty million two hundred and thirty-one thousand six hundred and ninety-eight
Transaction information
Selling method: Buy It Now
Current price: 8888 yuan
Remaining time: 148 days and 1 hour
Buy Now

When you see this page, it means that the actual domain name holder has set up this sales display page and used the DNS of the sales page of Aliname. Please see the bottom of the page for the actual holder's contact information.
If you need to purchase this domain name, you can contact our brokerage team to ask the actual holder for your willingness to sell it.
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