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The signing ceremony of the 2024 cross-strait college basketball game was held in Putian

2024-05-23 19:56 Jin Jingjing Source: Southeast Net Editor in charge: Cai Yi Let me say something
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Signing ceremony site

Putian, Southeastern. com, May 23 (reporter Jin Jingjingwen/picture)

This afternoon, the signing ceremony of the 2024 cross-strait college basketball game was held in Putian.

It is reported that the 2024 cross-strait college students basketball match will be held in Putian from August 16 to August 27 under the guidance of the China Basketball Association, the China University Students Sports Association, the Fujian Provincial Sports Bureau, the Putian Municipal People's Government, and the Fujian Taiwan Compatriots Association. Through high-level basketball competitions between young people on both sides of the Straits, basketball is used as a carrier to build a bridge of friendship between compatriots on both sides of the Straits, enhance exchanges between young people on both sides of the Straits, and thus promote interaction in sports, culture and other fields.

This year, Putian, as the main competition area of the cross-strait college student basketball game, has gathered in Putian for the opening ceremony, the opening battle, the top eight competition, the final and the closing ceremony. The scale of the game has expanded from 16 teams last year to 20 teams. The participating teams have not only invited Taiwan college students, but also specially invited teams from Southeast Asian countries, Hong Kong, China, Macao and other universities to participate.

"Last year's tournament was held in Putian, during which college students' players spoke highly of Putian, and fans' enthusiasm for the tournament was particularly high." Liu Yudong, chairman of Fujian Basketball Association, said in an interview that Putian is a city with profound cultural heritage and one of China's "annual beautiful cultural cities". This year, Putian is the main venue of the event. The main purpose is to promote the exchange of youth on both sides of the Straits through basketball events, enhance the understanding and friendship between compatriots on both sides of the Straits, and also look forward to the event driving the development of the local sports industry and related industries, further improving the image of Putian city.

Signing ceremony site


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