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Focus on "Mental Health" Meizhouwan Vocational and Technical College Held the Meiyuan Forum

2024-05-23 16:59 Wu Weifeng Zhan Jing Source: Editor in charge of Southeastern Network: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Meizhouwan Polytechnic held the 15th Meiyuan Forum

Putian, Southeastern Network, May 23 (correspondent Wu Weifeng and Zhan Jingwen/photo) On the morning of May 23, Meizhouwan Vocational and Technical College held the 15th Meiyuan Forum, which focused on "mental health", inviting Guo Mingchun, the director of the Institute of Psychological Counseling and Counseling of the School of Psychology, Fujian Normal University, as well as the professor and doctoral supervisor, to be all the instructors The secretaries of the Youth League committees of all departments and colleges made a special sharing of the "Management and Response to Psychological Pressure" to care for teachers' physical and mental health and promote their growth.

It is understood that the Ministry of Education has decided to designate May as the "National Student Mental Health Publicity and Education Month" from this year. Through various publicity and education activities, it will create a good social atmosphere and improve the mental health knowledge and literacy of teachers, students and parents. The Mekong Vocational College held various activities in combination with the actual situation, strengthened the construction of the counselor team, and improved the level of education and empowerment of the counselor team and the ability to intervene in students' psychological crisis.

Guo Mingchun interacts with teachers

As a registered psychologist of the Chinese Psychological Society, Guo Mingchun has presided over many national and provincial social science projects, systematically received training in cognitive behavior therapy and compassion focused therapy, and has been engaged in psychological counseling for more than 10 years. During the activity, he shared around four aspects: "stress is everywhere", "physical and mental reaction under pressure", "human emotion regulation system", and "effective management of psychological pressure". Through humorous language, he explained the methods of stress relief, and actively interacted with on-site teachers to guide teachers to immerse in the experience of psychological stress relief methods, which is very beneficial.

This activity effectively improved the understanding and skills of counselors and teachers in mental health and psychological crisis intervention, and enhanced everyone's confidence in the management of mental health education. In the future work, Meizhouwan Vocational and Technical College will further take multiple measures and make multi-dimensional efforts to promote the professionalization, professionalization and professionalization of the team of counselors and teachers, so that the counselors and teachers can play a good role as guides and bridges in the growth of students, laying a solid foundation for the school's mental health education work, and escorting the students' mental health.

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