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Pushing Forward the Implementation of Putian Life Health Industry Chain Leaders' Meeting

2024-05-23 09:25 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Anchoring objectives and tasks, promoting implementation

The conference of the chain leader of the city's life and health industry chain was held

On May 21, Su Yongge, the director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, presided over the meeting of the leaders of the municipal life and health industry chain, listened to the work progress report, clarified the next step of work ideas and direction, and urged all work to accelerate the implementation. Cai Guoping, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, attended.

Su Yongge pointed out that the second quarter is a key stage to connect the past and the future, which is crucial to the completion of the annual goals and tasks. It is necessary to further strengthen investment attraction, use the service spirit of "shop waiter", serve with care and consideration, do active investment attraction, business investment attraction and sincere investment attraction, give full play to the role of local chambers of commerce and associations as bridges in investment attraction, invite more powerful enterprises into Putian, and deepen and expand cooperation in industrial development, talent support, industrial innovation and other fields. It is necessary to promote the implementation of projects as soon as possible, implement local responsibilities, continuously optimize service guarantee, continuously improve service level, reverse time nodes, improve construction efficiency, and establish a list of problems that restrict the progress of project construction, and follow up the implementation in a timely manner. We should effectively improve the quality and efficiency of development, focus on the high-quality development evaluation system and annual goals and tasks, establish and improve the working mechanism, coordinate and supervise the implementation, strengthen the linkage between the top and bottom, do a good job in communication, coordination and coordination, anchor the annual goals, go all out to implement them, and strive to achieve "more than half of the two". (Meizhou Daily/Cai Rui)

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