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Putian City Announces the First 12 Typical Experiences and Practices of Optimizing Business Environment This Year

2024-05-23 09:25 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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On May 20, the Municipal Business Office announced the first batch of 12 typical experiences and practices of optimizing business environment this year, which were promoted in the city to create a strong atmosphere of competition and excellence.

The first batch of typical experiences and practices in optimizing the business environment in the city this year are as follows: the municipal tax bureau initiated a new "one car" full life cycle tax management model nationwide; The municipal administrative service center focuses on "three operations" to optimize and improve the grassroots government service capacity; The Municipal Natural Resources Bureau deepened the "multi measurement integration" reform to improve the efficiency of approval services; The Municipal Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau constructs a new mode of housing construction approval service with "one initiative, three initiatives"; The Municipal Market Supervision Bureau explores a new path for digital registration and approval; The Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau made precise policies to ensure the employment of enterprises; The Municipal Finance Bureau plays the role of policy financing guarantee to help small, medium-sized and micro enterprises rescue; Xianyou County implements the "whole process" judicial intervention mechanism to help the development of the "Xianzuo" industry; Licheng District uses credit to empower practical measures to help enterprises to rescue and activate; Chengxiang District builds procurator enterprise post station to escort enterprise development; "Four chain integration" in Hanjiang District enables enterprises to develop new quality productivity; Xiuyu District built "three platforms" to promote the integration of production and talent.

It is reported that all levels and departments of our city will earnestly learn from typical experience and practices, increase reform and innovation, strive for more good experiences and practices in the city, and further optimize our business environment. (Meizhou Daily/Huang Lingyan)

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