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Putian Innovation Driven Development Strategy Work Symposium Held Fu Chaoyang and Lin Xuyang Attended

2024-05-22 09:25 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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In combination with deepening and expanding the "three struggles" action, Fu Chaoyang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over a special session on innovation driven development strategy on the morning of May 21, listened to the work progress report, and studied and deployed the tasks of the next stage. Lin Xuyang, Yuan Suling and Zhu Haihui, municipal leaders, Liu Minghua, vice president of Putian University, and Ke Jinguo, secretary of the Party Committee of Meizhouwan Vocational and Technical College attended the meeting.

"Where are the main objectives and key tasks of the innovation driven development strategy? Has the innovative linkage mechanism and working mechanism been established? Can all work fall into the main body of innovation?" Fu Chaoyang explained ideas and teaching methods on the spot through the big data platform to guide and help relevant departments to enhance the effectiveness of using the platform to improve work. Fu Chaoyang pointed out that "innovation is not only the largest variable of Putian's past development, but also the largest increment of building a leading city of green and high-quality development in the future." It is necessary to seize the opportunity, follow the trend, lead the rise, unswervingly grasp the industry, strengthen the innovation drive, find out the family background, work to the end, link up and persevere, and promote the growth of innovation from point to area Accumulation of quantity to improvement of quality, and efforts to achieve curve overtaking on the new track.

Fu Chaoyang stressed that it is necessary to focus on the key points, implement precise policies, complement the weak points, "navigate" the needs, establish "reverse" thinking, focus on grassroots and enterprise feelings, clarify the main direction of attack, and put the implementation path, measures, and results on the "one map of the city" platform and innovation main body, so as to see the strength, see the bone, and achieve real results; With the platform "piloting", enhance the innovation ability of the park, create a high-energy innovation platform, and stimulate the dynamic potential of innovation subjects; With talent "piloting", improve the scientific and technological talent file, "one enterprise and one file", promote the high integration of talent support action and innovation strategy, and "enable all kinds of talents to contribute to innovation". It is necessary to close the list, establish a good orientation, and pay close attention to the implementation. It is necessary to adhere to the project-based task, the list based project, and the list specific list. It is necessary to clarify the responsible person, the responsible unit, and the time node, and strengthen the tracking and supervision; Adhere to market-oriented operation, coordinate a promising government and an effective market, and form a virtuous circle of science and technology, industry, and innovation; Adhere to the ecological guarantee, improve the full cycle policy guarantee, and constantly plant the soil for innovation, step by step, so that the seeds of innovation grow into towering trees.

Mayor Lin Xuyang stressed on the next step of work, that we should unblock the efficient working mechanism, adhere to improve the joint meeting, clarify responsibilities, break through barriers, and form a joint force. It is necessary to cultivate high-quality innovation subjects, focus on the needs of market subjects, deeply implement the multiplication action of high-tech enterprises, and promote the concentration of innovation elements to enterprises. It is necessary to create a high-level innovation platform, adhere to the problem oriented and result oriented, deepen the "one industry chain and one research institute", and form the scale effect and polymerization reaction of innovation elements. We should promote the transformation of high-efficient achievements, improve the transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, cultivate new industries with new technologies, lead industrial upgrading, and accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces. (Meizhou Daily reporter Huang Guoqing)

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