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Putian Chengxiang District Judicial Bureau organized "people who understand the law" to visit and study in the anti drug education base

2024-05-21 17:20 Chen Yuanyuan Source: Southeast Network Editor in Charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Putian, Southeast China. com, May 21 (Chen Yuanyuan, our reporter, article/picture) In order to further improve the enthusiasm of "people with a clear understanding of the law" to participate in the anti drug propaganda work, on May 21, the Justice Bureau of Chengxiang District, Putian City organized "people with a clear understanding of the law" to visit the anti drug education base in Chengxiang District.

Under the guidance of the commentator, more than 20 "people who understand the law" had a detailed understanding of the history of drug control, drug knowledge, drug harm, drug control propaganda culture and other contents, and through watching models, VR experience and other ways, the "people who understand the law" had a more intuitive, clear and profound understanding of the harm of drugs to the human body. Later, legal advisers were invited to hold a special rule of law lecture on "learning civil law knowledge and cherishing drug free life", explaining drug control laws and regulations, drug prevention knowledge, etc. to "people who understand the law" in vivid language, further strengthening their awareness and ability of drug identification, drug prevention, and drug rejection.

After the event, everyone said that they would keep away from drugs and cherish life in their future work and life. At the same time, they would tell people around them about the dangers of drugs and jointly create a good social atmosphere for all people to participate in drug control.

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