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Strengthening the Physical Fitness of Cadres and Workers Putian Expressway Carries out National Fitness Activities

2024-05-21 17:20 Ling Nan, Chen Shanshan, Zhang Honggan Source: Editor in charge of Southeast Network: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Putian, Southeastern. com, May 21 (correspondent Ling Nan, Chen Shanshan, Zhang Honggan/photo) In order to further advocate an active and healthy work style and enrich the leisure cultural life of cadres and workers, Putian Expressway recently organized a nationwide fitness activity in Tianma Mountain Scenic Area, Xianyou County, and more than 40 mountaineers participated in this activity.

On that day, the employees were in high spirits and climbed to the top of the mountain along the winding path. Everyone stopped to enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way, and stopped to take photos, enjoying the physical and mental comfort brought by healthy sports. On the top of the mountain, the staff breathed fresh air, felt the charm of nature, shared their fitness stories, and enjoyed free and relaxed moments. Looking around, surrounded by clouds, Puyong Expressway is like a giant dragon between the towering Tianma Mountain and the beautiful Mulan River, leading to the distance.

"In our busy work and life, we often ignore the beauty around us. This mountaineering activity not only allows us to get close to nature, but also gives colleagues from different workplaces a chance to get together." Mr. Chen, who participated in the activity, said with emotion.

This activity demonstrated the spirit of Putian Expressway cadres and workers to be uplifted and enterprising. For a long time, the trade union of Putian Expressway has continuously explored and promoted the form of fitness for all. It has successively established various employee sports associations such as Taijiquan, badminton, basketball, air volleyball, tennis, etc. The subordinate districts have carried out various sports competitions in turn to run fitness for all throughout the year.

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