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Putian leaders lead teams to inspect flood prevention and preparedness work

2024-05-21 09:25 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Make every effort to strengthen the safety line of flood control

Municipal leaders lead teams to inspect the flood prevention and preparedness work

On May 20, Chen Zhiqiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Executive Vice Mayor, led a team to inspect the flood prevention and preparedness work in Xianyou.

Chen Zhiqiang observed the regulation of waterlogging in the central market of Jiaowei Town, and the sheltering of fishing boats in the brilliant fishing port at the mouth of Fengcixi and Cangxi, listened to the Gumashan Reservoir in Yuanzhuang Town, the downstream flood control project of Fengcixi in Fengting Town, and the flood prevention and preparedness work of Xiaqiao Community, and put forward specific work requirements.

Chen Zhiqiang stressed that the current flood season is the main flood season, and the flood control situation is severe and complex. The relevant departments at all levels of the city should improve their ideological understanding, always tighten the root of flood and typhoon prevention, and implement various work measures. It is necessary to strengthen analysis, research and judgment, accurately grasp the climate change, disaster prevention, mitigation and relief capacity of our city, strengthen the linkage between the top and bottom, and the cooperation between departments, move forward, and fight the flood control initiative. On the basis of summarizing the work experience of preventing "Dussuri" typhoon, we should highlight the problem orientation and weak links, comprehensively improve the governance, and resolve the risks in the bud. The rectification of risk hazards should be uploaded to the "one picture" platform to achieve digital empowerment and online closed-loop supervision. It is necessary to refine and improve the emergency plan, compact the territorial management responsibility and department supervision responsibility, strengthen personnel transfer and risk aversion, prepare sufficient emergency supplies for flood control, and effectively guarantee the safety of people's lives and property. It is necessary to strengthen publicity, enhance people's awareness of risk aversion, improve their ability to help themselves and each other, and build a safe line of defense for flood control. (Meizhou Daily/Cai Rui)

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