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Putian Municipal Party Committee United Front Work Department "Qinglan Relay" Youth Putian Merchants Symposium Held

2024-05-19 09:55 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Be a pioneer, set an example and make new achievements

The "One Heart · Everyone Talk" and "Qinglan Relay" Youth Putian Merchants Symposium of the United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee was held

On May 17, the "One Heart · Everyone Talk" and "Qinglan Relay" Youth Putian Merchants Symposium of the United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee was held. Huang Zhenyao, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and head of the United Front Work Department, attended and delivered a speech.

At the symposium, young businessmen from Putian talked about their understanding of the previous study tours to Indonesia and Singapore, and combined with their own growth history and entrepreneurial stories, they talked about their mental journey and inspired each other. Hong Jie, chairman of the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, chairman of Sankeshu Paint Co., Ltd., Cai Zongmei, chairman of Caizi Co., Ltd. and other well-known entrepreneurs attended the meeting to exchange and share experiences with young businessmen.

Huang Zhenyao pointed out that the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal People's Government attach great importance to the work of young businessmen and place high hopes on their growth. He hoped that everyone would remember their responsibilities and missions, inherit and carry forward their fine traditions, and strive to be a pioneer, a model, and make new contributions in building a leading city of green and high-quality development. We should embrace the opportunities of the times, observe the general trend and the trend, always firmly develop confidence, walk with the times, keenly seize market opportunities, and be good at "stepping down from the horse after smelling the fragrance", so as to achieve a long-term vision and a stable future. It is necessary to refine and strengthen the main business, show the young generation's spirit, nimbleness and ambition, establish a global vision, focus on new quality productivity, dare to be the first, dare to compete for the first, face difficulties and seek opportunities in danger, and constantly promote the iterative upgrading of enterprises. It is necessary to establish a good image, maintain a sense of awe, strengthen the awareness of crowdfunding and creativity, take the lead in promoting rural revitalization, awarding teaching and learning aid and other social public welfare undertakings, fully demonstrate the great pattern and responsibility of the new generation of young businessmen in Putian, and "the Yangtze River pushes the waves behind, and continues to strengthen the relay from generation to generation". The federations of industry and commerce at all levels should strengthen guidance, guidance and service, and truly be the parents of private economic people. (Meizhou Daily reporter Huang Guoqing)

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