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Putian: Special training class for cadres of municipal, county and district CPPCC organs completed

2024-05-18 11:05 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Cultivate excellent skills and improve the ability to perform duties

The leader of the city's township (sub district) CPPCC liaison group and the special training class for municipal, county and district CPPCC cadres completed

On May 16, the special training class of "in-depth study of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on strengthening and improving the work of the People's Political Consultative Conference" was completed by the head of the liaison group of the municipal township (sub district) CPPCC and the cadres of the municipal, county and district CPPCC organs. Shen Mengya, Chairman of the CPPCC Municipal Committee, attended the graduation ceremony and delivered a speech. Yang Chaodong, Zhang Zhihong and Zhang Zongxian, Vice Chairmen, attended.

Shen Mengya explained why the training class was held, what CPPCC cadres learned and how to do, and how to strengthen the self construction of CPPCC with four words: "good wind depends on strength, and sailing at the right time", "learn not to explore the flowers, but to dig their own roots", "learn from the paper and finally feel shallow, and absolutely know that this matter should be practiced", "ask Qu that so clearly, so as to have a source of fresh water". She pointed out that this training is an inevitable requirement to consolidate and expand the achievements of thematic education and deepen the expansion of the "three struggles" action, a time node based on the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China and the CPPCC, and a practical need to improve the ability of CPPCC cadres to perform their duties. Through the training, we achieved the goal of unifying ideas, building consensus, and inspiring energy.

Shen Mengya stressed that the CPPCC system of the whole city should strengthen its ideological and theoretical armed forces, adhere to deep learning, true learning and constant learning, truly internalize self-study into consciousness, internalize perception into practice, and internalize admiration into belief, so as to achieve the goal of knowing from feeling, knowing to doing; We should adhere to the principle of serving the overall situation of the center, providing advice and supporting the government to build consensus, focusing on people's livelihood consultation for the people, keeping the right direction, stepping on the duty fulfillment node, doing virtual work, gathering strength and empowering, and helping the Party committee and the government to make decisions, deploy and implement work requirements effectively; We should strengthen the self construction of the CPPCC, conscientiously strengthen the work style of the CPPCC organs, effectively play the role of the liaison group of the CPPCC at the grass-roots level, improve the working mechanism of interaction between the top and the bottom, and gather a powerful force to write a new chapter in the work of the CPPCC.

The training course lasts for 3 days and is held through special counseling, watching special documentaries, exchange and discussion, etc. At the graduation ceremony, five student representatives shared their learning experience. (Meizhou Daily/Zheng Zidong)

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