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Putian leaders carried out a visit and condolence activity on the National Handicap Day

2024-05-17 09:23 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Care for disabled students and protect their healthy growth

Municipal leaders carried out a visit and condolence activity on the National Handicap Day

The 34th National Handicap Day is coming. On May 15, Su Yongge, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, led the heads of relevant departments directly under the Municipal People's Congress, the deputies to the People's Congress of Pu Province, and the head of Fuzhou Xiaoshan Public Service Center to Xialin School in Chengxiang District to visit disabled students and special education classes and send them the care of the Party and the government.

When visiting hearing-impaired students, Su Yongge learned about their study and life in detail, and sent condolences to encourage students to study hard, enhance confidence and face life positively and optimistically. When expressing condolences to students in special education classes, Su Yongge thanked special education teachers for their hard work for a long time, and hoped that everyone would be full of love, constantly improve the quality of teaching, and run special education well.

Su Yongge pointed out that the responsibility of the education industry is sacred and the mission is glorious. The school should make every effort to improve the conditions for running a school, provide good education guarantee, and solve the worries for disabled students and families. He hoped that teachers should stick to the original intention of education, devote themselves to educating people, and let more special students better integrate into the society. The organizations of the Disabled Persons' Federations at all levels should further improve their political standing, fully understand the importance of doing a good job in the education of disabled students, do a good job in helping the disabled with benevolence and care, actively help them to solve their urgent problems, and strive to create a strong atmosphere of understanding, respect, care and help the disabled in the whole society. At the same time, we hope that all sectors of society can pay more attention to, understand, care for and help disabled students and families, and protect the healthy growth of children. (Meizhou Daily/Chen Peida)

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