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Implement in "Travel" Putian City Vigorously and Orderly Promote the Study and Education of Party Discipline

2024-05-16 17:35 Zheng Mingxing Jin Jingjing Source: Southeast Net Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Putian, Southeastern. com, May 16 (correspondent Zheng Mingxing, reporter Jin Jingjing on our website) Since the launch of the party discipline learning and education, Putian Municipal Party Committee has thoroughly studied and implemented the important speech and the important guiding spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on party discipline learning and education, organized and deployed meticulously according to the decision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the work requirements of the provincial party committee, and promoted the party discipline learning and education to go deep and practical See how it works.

Deliberate planning and deployment to ensure a good start and progress of learning and education

Putian Municipal Party Committee firmly shouldered the political responsibility of carrying out party discipline learning and education. On April 13, the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the meeting of the leading group of the Municipal Party Committee for party construction work was held to convey the spirit of learning from the meeting of the Central and Provincial Party Committees, and research and deploy the city's party discipline learning and education work. By April 20, nearly 4621 grass-roots party organizations in the city had completed their deployment, covering more than 165000 party members.

Adhere to list based promotion and wall chart type operations. Putian City formulated the Implementation Plan on Carrying out Party Discipline Learning and Education among Party Members in the City as soon as possible, defining 4 aspects and 14 key tasks, and refining the List of Party Discipline Learning and Education Work at the weekly node to visually present various tasks and work arrangements at various stages, and strive to implement the central deployment and requirements of the provincial party committee in detail.

Set up a special class for Party discipline learning and education of the Municipal Party Committee, set up four groups: comprehensive materials, warning education group, publicity and reporting group, liaison and coordination group, transfer 15 business backbones to work in a centralized manner, establish a working mechanism of "daily inventory, weekly scheduling, monthly summary, and irregular tips", timely print and distribute two issues of Work Tips, and strictly and practically promote the high-quality development of Party discipline learning and education.

Promote by levels and classifications to ensure all-round and full coverage of learning and education

From May 10 to 11, Putian Municipal Party Committee held a reading class for party discipline learning and education. It insisted on combining learning and understanding the Regulations with implementing the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on governing Mulan Creek and protecting Meizhou Island, giving play to the role of municipal leaders as examples, and demonstrating to drive the city's party discipline learning and education to learn and move.

The leading groups at and above the county level in the city insisted on "double concentration" of time and personnel, held 61 reading classes, and quickly set off an upsurge of party discipline learning and education. Grass roots Party organizations at all levels and in all fields took measures according to local conditions and implemented classified policies. In combination with the "three sessions and one lesson", theme party days, etc., they made efforts to study and implement the Regulations and achieved results. They carried out 4435 thematic studies, 3350 exchanges and discussions, and promoted the integration of party discipline learning and education into daily life and focused on regular work.

Xianyou County carried out the activity of "learning discipline to the grass-roots level", and organized the discipline inspection and supervision teams and township (street) discipline (industry) committees to go deep into the grass-roots party organizations in the units and regions under their jurisdiction to interpret the Regulations. According to the actual characteristics of rural areas, industrial parks, newly employed party members and other groups, Licheng District carried out the action of sending training to the countryside, sending training to the park, and sending training to the station. Chengxiang District relies on carriers such as "night school" to promote discipline education into party schools and classrooms. Xiuyu District innovatively established the city's first mobile party member micro home, creating a new base for learning and educating mobile party members' party discipline. Bei'an Economic Development Zone focuses on the "power of small and micro enterprises", sets up a team to publicize the Party discipline, and adopts such methods as "collective classroom lecture+field investigation lecture" to enhance the ideological consciousness and action consciousness of village cadres to perform their duties and use their power honestly.

Adhere to the principle of "sending students" to Party schools, to the Internet, and to the grass-roots level. Putian Municipal Party Committee established the mechanism of "preparing lessons", "ordering lessons" and "sending lessons" in the Party School, organized the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee to study and launch 12 courses of Party rules and discipline, and send lessons to all units directly under the city and all counties and districts. Relying on various media platforms, we set up a special column on learning and education of party discipline, and reprinted articles on learning and interpretation of the Regulations by stages and sections. The "Hulan Breeze" propaganda group was established to carry out the "Four Advancements" activity of discipline and law propaganda into the organs, enterprises, schools and villages, and promote learning, knowing, and observing disciplines.

Dig special resources to ensure the quality and effectiveness of learning and education

The study and education of Party discipline is serious, but also vivid. Putian Municipal Party Committee pays attention to the combination of traditional culture and honest culture, combs the words and deeds of 46 honest and upright officials from Putian in history, compiles the story of filial piety "Family Putian", and arranges Puxian opera "Imperial Jiang Chunlin", providing a fresh carrier for the learning and education of party discipline.

All parts of the city have deeply explored the resources of anti-corruption education, carried out activities with distinctive features and various forms, and promoted the learning and education of party discipline into the mind.

The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Supervision Commission produced two issues of Discipline and Law Learning Classes, which simulated daily work and life interaction scenes by means of sitcoms, animations, etc., to clarify the boundaries of discipline and law by comparing the Regulations, and remind what can and cannot be done. The Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee launched the "Party discipline learning and education for cadres engaged in organizing work", analyzed the typical cases, checked and found out by themselves, organized a "protective net" and built a "firewall" in thought and action. The Municipal Public Security Bureau went to the grass-roots party branch of the bureau's supervision system to celebrate "political birthday", and went to the political life hall of the supervision center to carry out party discipline education, so as to educate people around with things around them. In the project department of the Municipal Workers' Cultural Palace, the Municipal Urban Investment Group held the joint creation and co construction activity of "Clean Government Culture Demonstration Site" to promote the deep integration of clean government culture and project construction.

Party discipline learning and education is based on "knowledge" and implemented in "action". Putian Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) adheres to the integration and promotion of carrying out party discipline learning and education, consolidating and expanding the theme of education achievements, deepening and expanding the "three struggles" action, establishing a correct concept of political achievements, making great efforts to solve the problems of grass-roots governance, talent support and other problems, promoting the implementation of "one five two three four" work with strict discipline, and accelerating the construction of a leading city for green and high-quality development.

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