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Putian City Held the First National Double Support Model City (County) Promotion Conference for Innovation

2024-05-10 09:18 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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The Plenary Meeting of the Municipal Leading Group for Double Support and Co construction and the First National Double Support Model City (County) Promotion Conference for Innovation were held

Fu Chaoyang Chairs and Addresses Lin Xuyang for Specific Deployment

On the morning of May 9, the plenary meeting of the Municipal Leading Group for Double Support and Co construction and the first National Model City (County) Promotion Conference for Double Support and Innovation were held. Fu Chaoyang, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and leader of the Municipal Leading Group for Double Support and Co construction, presided over and delivered a speech. Lin Xuyang, mayor and the first deputy leader of the Municipal Leading Group for Double Support and Co construction, made specific arrangements. Municipal leaders Yuan Suling, Lin Shaoxiong and Putian military division leader Xu Xiaoren attended.

In his speech, Fu Chaoyang fully affirmed the achievements of the city's double support work in recent years. He stressed that all departments at all levels in the city should learn from and thoroughly understand General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on the work of mutual support, strengthen the sense of responsibility, urgency and mission according to the deployment requirements of the 45th plenary meeting of the provincial leading group for the work of mutual support and co construction, cherish the honor, make persistent efforts, hold the "golden signboard" of mutual support, and firmly support the "two establishment" Firmly implement "two maintenance".

Fu Chaoyang stressed that it is necessary to anchor goals, focus on key points, and implement various creation tasks with high standards. We should focus on the implementation of standards and tables, take the initiative to study, compare benchmarks, find gaps, and implement precise policies. It is necessary to focus on the problems and make up for shortcomings, focus on the evaluation standards, human needs, and combine the platform of "One Map of the City" to put the work into the smallest governance unit and the final responsibility subject. It is necessary to build a brand with highlights, deepen the construction of "one city, one county, one brand", combine the reality, bring forth the new, and plan a number of "optional actions" with Putian elements, so as to continuously expand the influence and carry forward positive energy. We should work in both directions to promote improvement, adhere to the principle of "look high and love three points", coordinate with each other, strengthen digital empowerment, improve the working mechanism, and better combine the local needs, the people's expectations and the army's capabilities.

Fu Chaoyang pointed out that the creation of a national model city for mutual support is a systematic project, which requires the whole city to work together in the same direction. We should stick to and strengthen the leadership of the Party throughout, carry out the study and education of Party discipline, deepen and expand the "three struggles" action, and achieve full mobilization, full creation, and benefit the whole people. We should firmly establish the idea of "one game of chess". All counties and districts (management committees) should shoulder the responsibility of "double support". The municipal "double support office" should give full play to the role of leading organization, comprehensive coordination, supervision and inspection. All member units should carry out the work to the end and do a good job according to the task. We should strengthen publicity and education, strengthen the national defense concept of the whole people, set up models and set benchmarks, and make "love our people and our army" a common practice.

Xu Xiaoren, a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, a political member of the Military Subarea Senior Colonel, and the deputy leader of the Municipal Leading Group for Double Support and Joint Construction, made a speech on behalf of the PLA troops in Putian, and the main responsible comrades of the Municipal Bureau of Veterans Affairs made a work report. Each county/district (management committee) shall set up a branch venue. (Meizhou Daily reporter Huang Guoqing)

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