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Putian: Fu Chaoyang investigates the work of the Party School and teaches Party lessons to young cadres

2024-05-10 09:18 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Spark into a Torch, Joining into a Sea, Vigorous and Uprightful, Contributing Youth to the Construction of a Leading City of Green and High Quality Development

Fu Chaoyang investigates the work of the Party School and gives Party lessons to young cadres

In the afternoon of May 8, in combination with deepening and expanding the "Three Struggles" action, Fu Chaoyang, the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, went to the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee to conduct a field survey, and gave a party lesson to the young and middle-aged cadres training class. He stressed the need to deeply understand the ardent expectations of General Secretary Xi Jinping for young cadres, take the party discipline learning and education as the starting point, keep in mind the original mission, and forge ahead tenaciously, Contribute youth strength to building a leading city of green and high-quality development. Yuan Suling, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Head of the Organization Department, Gao Yu, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary General, attended the meeting.

Fu Chaoyang inspected the school running conditions and campus environment of the Municipal Party School, learned about the school's party discipline learning and education, teaching and training, and visited some teachers, urging them to devote themselves to learning and educating people, preaching and teaching to dispel doubts.

Fu Chaoyang is always concerned about the healthy growth of young cadres. At the beginning of the party class, six student representatives based on their work and learning, opened their hearts and spoke freely, and fully demonstrated their youth. "What is the status of young cadres in their work and life? What is their mentality? Tell the truth and tell the truth." "What are the difficulties faced by Putian's development at present, and what are your thoughts?" Fu Chaoyang set a question on the spot, invited four students to talk about their feelings and propose countermeasures, listened to the records carefully, and discussed interactively from time to time, and also combined with his own thoughts and feelings, Put forward some valuable suggestions.

"Ignite the fire in everyone's heart, spark into a torch, converge into a sea, and be vigorous and upright, which is the fundamental condition and lasting power for the development of Putian!" Fu Chaoyang hopes that everyone will respect and love the land and people in this area, dare to pursue excellence, understand more about enjoying the ordinary, and achieve long-term achievements, frankness, and a clear conscience.

Fu Chaoyang sent a message to young cadres that ideals and beliefs are the brightest beacon. They should deeply understand that "politicians are right", consciously arm their minds with the innovative theoretical achievements of the Party, guide practice, buckle the "first button" of life, be consistent in appearance and in practice, and be politically competent and loyal to the Party. It is the most beautiful attitude to be practical and responsible. We should learn to think, plan, and promote work in the overall situation, put our hearts in the same place, truly benefit the people, realize value, "steadily shoulder the burden", and be a person with strong responsibility and good performance. Competence and quality are the greatest strength. We should focus on the overall situation, improve "seven thinking abilities", coordinate the macro, meso and micro, bend down, sink to the front line, "stabilize, resolve and solve complex problems well", and be a person who is competent and worthy of the task. Light in the heart is the best state of mind. We should consciously cultivate our moral integrity, cheer up our body and mind, drive people around us to improve, cherish and protect the reputation of Putian City, "let the sun shine into the heart and sweep away the dust", and be a person of excellent moral character and transparency. Strict self-discipline is the strongest line of defense. We should firmly establish and practice the correct view of political achievements, take the lead in learning discipline, knowing discipline, observing discipline, and building a clean defense line. We should "be clean and seek peace", and be a person with excellent style and integrity.

Fu Chaoyang requested that the organization department should adhere to the combination of strict management and love, strengthen tracking and training, continue to investigate, accurately portray and target people, and make more outstanding young cadres stand out. The Party School of the Municipal Party Committee should always keep a firm political direction, run the Party School through the whole process of teaching, scientific research and school running, make good use of the "rich mine" of theory and practice, create a number of classic cases and quality courses, and constantly improve the party spirit and ability of party members and cadres in the city. (Meizhou Daily/Wu Qina)

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