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Putian: Fu Chaoyang investigates the construction of livelihood projects

2024-05-09 09:14 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Let people share high-quality life in high-quality development

Fu Chaoyang investigates the construction of livelihood projects

■ All departments at all levels should firmly establish a correct view of political achievements, work hard with emotion and make lasting contributions to the people's livelihood, so that people can share high-quality life in high-quality development

■ We should focus on practical results, follow the ecological law, market law and economic law, distinguish priorities, mature one, promote one, and make one, and constantly turn the "livelihood list" into the "happiness index" of the masses

On May 7, in combination with deepening and expanding the "Three Struggles" action, Fu Chaoyang, the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, made in-depth field research on the construction of livelihood projects such as Fudao and "Water Bus" in Puyang, emphasizing the need to thoroughly implement the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on ensuring and improving people's livelihood, practice the people centered development idea, promote the construction of livelihood projects with high quality and efficiency, and constantly improve the quality of urban functions, Let people's sense of gain, happiness and security become more substantial, secure and sustainable. Gao Yu, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary General, attended the meeting.

Fudao in Puyang is connected with green belt, forest belt, street view and water view, which has become a good place for mass sports and leisure. "Do you think it is convenient to go to the Fudao, and what needs to be improved? Is the Fudao passing through the scenic spot fully demonstrated and reached consensus? Is the ecological concept and safety management of the construction road in place?" Fu Chaoyang walked along the Fudao, listened to the opinions and suggestions of the masses, and urged the relevant departments to be in awe, adhere to the problem oriented and goal oriented, and follow the park city concept, We will continue to optimize the functional layout, improve the supporting facilities, protect the natural scenery, create high-quality urban greenways, and let people enjoy "poetry and distance" at home.

"Water Bus" is a livelihood project highly valued by the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government. At present, several routes have been opened to revitalize the ancient ferries, villages and streets along the line, becoming a beautiful business card of the city's cultural and tourism industry. Starting from No. 4 Wharf of Shouxi Park, Fu Chaoyang took a boat for nearly 3 hours, carefully observed the two routes of "Shouxi Baitang Lake" and "Shouxi Yuhu Park", and planned the next steps with the main leaders of the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism and Mulan Group. "The 'Water Bus' project is related to the well-being of people's livelihood, and the masses are the biggest beneficiaries." Fu Chaoyang requested that this golden key should be used well to activate the value of green heart, connect Hugong Mountain, Phoenix Mountain, Mulan Stream, etc., highlight the landscape pattern, poetic and painting temperament, let people immerse in the beauty of ecology, and accelerate the building of a national tourism destination.

During the survey, Fu Chaoyang stressed that all departments at all levels should firmly establish a correct view of political achievements, work hard to use emotion and make long-term contributions to the people's livelihood, so that people can share high-quality life in high-quality development. We must unswervingly implement the concept of Mulan Creek governance, revere history, culture, and ecology, strengthen rigid constraints, polish the ecological background, and improve people's well-being. It is necessary to enrich the cultural and tourism industry, comprehensively promote the construction of Fudao and "water bus" in Puyang, innovate the scene, integrate the story, reflect the artistic conception, plan characteristic docks, light shows, landscape stages, etc. according to local conditions, string beads into a chain, and create a tipping point. We should focus on practical results, follow the ecological law, market law and economic law, distinguish priorities, mature one, promote one, and make one, and constantly turn the "livelihood list" into the "happiness index" of the masses. (Meizhou Daily reporter Huang Guoqing)

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