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Over 150000 person times during the May Day holiday, Putian Mazu's birthday ignited cultural tourism

2024-05-07 11:21 Zhang Yilin Source: Southeast Net Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Meizhou Island held a series of activities to commemorate the 1064 anniversary of Mazu's birth Zeng Jiahao/photographer

Putian, Southeastern. com, May 7 (our reporter Zhang Yilin) This morning, a reporter from Southeastern. com learned from Putian Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism that during the May Day holiday, Putian's cultural and tourism system deeply integrates cultural and tourism resources, meticulously plans and organizes cultural and tourism activities with diverse forms and rich connotations, and introduces a number of cultural and tourism measures to benefit the people and promote consumption. It is worth mentioning that, Meizhou Island held a series of activities to commemorate the 1064 anniversary of Mazu's birth, attracting more than 100000 tourists. The series of activities on the north bank to commemorate the 1064 anniversary of Mazu's birth, "Mazu Back to His Home", attracted about 50000 tourists.

The May Day holiday coincides with the 23rd day of the third lunar month. Meizhou Island held a series of activities to commemorate the 1064 anniversary of Mazu's birth. The reporter learned that on the evening of April 30, the night watch for Mazu's birthday was held in the Tianhou Palace on the west axis of the Mazu Temple in Meizhou. The live artistic performances, three birthday ceremonies, fireworks shows and other activities were staged in turn, which was very lively; On May 1, Mazu Spring Festival Festival was held in Tianhou Square of Mazu Temple in Meizhou, where tens of thousands of people, including representatives of Mazu cultural institutions at home and abroad, admirers of Mazu and people from all walks of life, gathered in Meizhou to participate in the event; The nearly 40 minute featured intangible cultural heritage folk custom performance vividly reproduced the rich connotation of the combination of imperial sacrifices and folk sacrifices in the past dynasties, leaving a deep impression on online and offline audiences.

Fireworks Show Zeng Jiahao/Photo

At the same time, many scenic spots in the island have also carried out a series of intangible cultural heritage and folk custom exhibition activities, including Meizhou female headdress display and experience, Tianfei's hometown intangible cultural heritage experience, Ping'an Tower light show, folk song and dance show, Mazu offering exhibition, etc., so that tourists can feel the unique charm of traditional culture. During the holiday, Meizhou Island Mazu Cultural Tourism Zone received more than 100000 tourists.

"This is my fourth visit to Meizhou Island. Mazu is a deep-rooted belief of many Taiwanese people, and coming to the Mazu Temple on Meizhou Island is of great significance to Taiwanese people." Song Zhichen, president of the Association of Literary and Art Circles on both sides of the Taiwan Straits and president of Taiwan Good News, said that during this period, the "March 23 Media Trip to Meizhou" joint gathering activity was also held in Meizhou Island, More than 30 media reporters from both sides of the Taiwan Straits gathered in Meizhou Island, Putian, to deeply understand and report Meizhou Island from multiple levels through in-depth experience of the grand series of activities of "Mazu in the World Returns to His Home" and "Mazu's Birthday".

In the north bank, a series of activities were held to commemorate the 1064 anniversary of Mazu's birth, "Mazu returned to his mother's home". Wu Bingduan/Photo

At the same time, on the morning of May 1, 2024 (the 23rd day of the third lunar month), Putian North Bank Economic Development Zone held a series of activities to commemorate the 1064th anniversary of Mazu's birth. The ritual custom of "Mazu returning to his mother's home" is one of the important contents of the Xianliang Port Mazu culture, which was listed in the second batch of provincial intangible cultural heritage lists in Fujian in 2007. The ritual activity of "Mazu returning to his mother's home" has greatly deepened the connection and communication between the incense distribution Mazu Temple around the world and the Xianliang Port Tianhou Ancestral Temple, attracting about 50000 tourists.

In addition, the reporter noticed that during the May Day holiday, Putian City carefully planned and launched a series of colorful cultural and tourism activities and a number of theme tourism routes to create a festival feast for citizens and tourists. The "Seafood Beer Festival" was held in Nanri Island, Xiuyu District. Nanri Island's specialty seafood, beach music, bonfire activities, romantic fireworks show, parent-child play and other activities brought tourists a feast of taste buds and hearts. Jiuli Lake Scenic Area in Xianyou County held Jiuli Lake Jiuxian Cultural Tourism Festival, where a series of cultural and tourism activities, such as Jiuxian blessing, Tai Chi cultural performance, Han costume experience, were very lively. Shouxi Park in Chengxiang District held the May Day Migrant Workers' Happy Festival, set up five theme card punching areas, and held theme exhibition activities in several public welfare pavilions in the park, so that citizens and tourists can feel the joy of reverse tourism. At the same time, Putian City integrates the tourism resources of the whole city, deeply excavates the characteristics of each scenic spot, and launches ten tourism routes, including Mazu pilgrimage trip, rural fun trip, and intangible heritage tracing trip, through careful design and connection, so that tourists can deeply experience Putian's humanistic style and beauty of mountains and seas.

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