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Putian Taiwan Work Conference Held Fu Chaoyang's Speech and Lin Xuyang Attended

2024-05-06 08:51 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Recently, the city's Taiwan work conference was held to thoroughly implement the Party's overall strategy for solving the Taiwan issue in the new era, fully implement the spirit of the 2024 Taiwan work conference and the provincial Taiwan work conference, summarize the work of last year, and deploy the tasks of this year. Fu Chaoyang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, delivered a speech at the meeting. Municipal leaders Lin Xuyang, Gao Yu, Huang Zhenyao, Cai Guoping, Hu National Defense and Huang Hua attended the meeting. Yuan Suling, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Head of the Organization Department, presided over the meeting and conveyed the relevant spirit.

Fu Chaoyang pointed out that since last year, the whole city has actively explored a new way of integrated development between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, and the economic and trade cooperation between Putao and Taiwan has gone deeper and more practical, serving the Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan enterprises, and the people to people and cultural exchanges are colorful. All relevant departments at all levels should have "the biggest country" in mind, find out the right position and clear measures, firmly support the "two establishment" and firmly achieve the "two maintenance" with the actual results of the integrated development of Putian and Taiwan.

Fu Chaoyang stressed that in order to do a good job in Taiwan work this year, it is necessary to fully implement the decisions and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the work requirements of the provincial party committee, maintain strategic concentration, grasp strategic opportunities, adhere to integrity and innovation, give full play to the advantages of Mazu culture, highlight win-win, characteristics and integration, take the lead in building a demonstration area for cross Strait integration and development, and contribute Putian's strength to serving the overall situation of the work of the Central Committee on Taiwan Show Putian's responsibility. We should focus on industrial cooperation, focus on promoting industrial progress, port sharing, and common standards, constantly expand the areas of economic and trade cooperation, and tighten integration ties. We should focus on the main feeling, make good use of the platform of "One Map of the City", more accurately implement the policy of benefiting Taiwan and the people, make greater efforts to optimize the business environment related to Taiwan, take more practical measures to serve the life of Putian and Taiwan residents, and consolidate the foundation of integration. It is necessary to focus on the spiritual fit, play the "card" of Mazu culture in a big pattern, improve the cohesion with branding, enhance interaction with youth, expand contact with diversity, enhance the level and depth of exchanges between Putai and Taiwan, and jointly build an integrated home.

Fu Chaoyang stressed that it is necessary to combine the consolidation and expansion of theme education achievements, carry out party discipline learning and education, and deepen the expansion of the "three struggles" action, shoulder the responsibility, strengthen measures, and work for a long time, tighten the chain cohesion, reform and innovation to increase vitality, create an atmosphere to increase vitality, and constantly create a new situation for Taiwan work in our city. (Meizhou Daily reporter Huang Guoqing)

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