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Youth Chronicles CPPCC Sentiments Putian CPPCC System Commemoration May 4th Youth Day Sharing Meeting Held

2024-05-02 10:35 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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In order to commemorate the 105th anniversary of the May 4th Movement, comprehend the glorious course and forge ahead on the glorious journey, on April 28, the "Youth Annals CPPCC Sentiment" Putian CPPCC system held a sharing meeting to commemorate the May 4th Youth Day, deeply study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on youth work, review General Secretary Xi Jinping's earnest message to young people, share the sense of duty performance, and draw forward strength. Shen Mengya, Chairman of the CPPCC Municipal Committee, and Huang Hua, Wang Shaohua, Zhao Aihong, Yang Chaodong, Zhang Zhihong, and Zhang Zongxian, Vice Chairmen attended the meeting.

Entrusted by Shen Mengya, Yang Chaodong said in his speech that young cadres and members of the CPPCC should strengthen their ideals and beliefs and continue to temper the spirit of youth. Accurately recognize the orientation of the CPPCC, grasp the political direction, learn political theory, firm political belief, improve political ability, establish lofty ideals and ambitions, never forget their duties and missions, truly achieve the goal of "pursuing their own politics in their positions and fulfilling their responsibilities", and continue to draw a "new picture" of the CPPCC work in the new era. We should persist in studying hard and seeking truth, and continue to show our youth. Always integrate into the "Shuxiang CPPCC" in-depth study, combine work needs to study hard, link with practice and learn widely, so that diligent learning becomes the driving force of youth voyage, and growth skills become the energy of youth struggle. We should polish the background of struggle and continue to devote our youth. Always maintain an enterprising spirit and entrepreneurial spirit, focus on the main responsibility, take the initiative to act, and strive to achieve excellence in life and compose the song of youth in the hot practice of accelerating the construction of a leading city of green and high-quality development.

At the sharing meeting, everyone reviewed the glorious history of the CPPCC through a short film. Later, some young cadres and young members of the CPPCC at the municipal and district levels shared their sense of duty performance, carried forward the spirit of the May 4th Movement, and demonstrated the good spiritual outlook of young cadres and members of the CPPCC through interviews and presentations. (Meizhou Daily/Zheng Zidong)

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