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Putian: Lin Xuyang goes deep into Licheng District to carry out special research and hold a symposium

2024-04-13 09:53 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Lin Xuyang went deep into Licheng District to carry out special research and hold a symposium

On April 12, Mayor Lin Xuyang led a team to carry out special research in Licheng District, and held a symposium to coordinate and solve specific problems on the spot. Municipal leaders Chen Zhiqiang and Zhu Zhengyang attended together.

During the survey, Lin Xuyang came to Laike Sports Goods Co., Ltd. to learn about the orders, production capacity, sales and other conditions of the enterprise in detail, and encouraged the person in charge of the enterprise to firmly develop confidence, actively cultivate brands, refine products, improve quality and win development advantages. Lin Xuyang also inspected the Zixiao area of the industry city integration demonstration area on the spot, listened to the report on the progress of projects such as Houpu Shed Reconstruction and Resettlement Area, and asked for further optimization of the planning and design of the area, good project planning and packaging, and element guarantee, so as to achieve a mature development area.

At the symposium, Lin Xuyang fully affirmed the achievements of Licheng District in recent years. He said that Licheng, as the central city, has prominent regional advantages and intensive resources such as capital and talents. We should base ourselves on our own position, give full play to our comparative advantages, make persistent efforts and work hard to shoulder greater responsibilities and show greater achievements in building a leading city of green and high-quality development.

Lin Xuyang stressed that the construction of modern industrial system should be enabled by new quality productivity, the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and the development of emerging industries should be accelerated, the upgrading of modern service industries should be done well, and new drivers of industrial development should be cultivated. We should improve the quality and efficiency of investment attraction, establish and improve the whole process management mechanism of projects, promote the rapid implementation, commencement, construction and commissioning of major projects, and stimulate new vitality of project construction. We should continue to optimize the layout of cities, protect historical and cultural heritage, accelerate the pace of building a harmonious countryside, comprehensively improve the quality of urban and rural functions, and promote new changes in urban and rural areas. We should do a good job in running practical projects for the people, focus on public services such as education, medical care, and old-age care, and deeply promote the project of "leading party building, strengthening the foundation and benefiting the people", so as to do everything possible to benefit the people's livelihood, solve problems, and increase well-being, and achieve new breakthroughs in ensuring people's livelihood. (Meizhou Daily/Wu Qina)

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