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Putian: Fu Chaoyang Chairs the Special Meeting on "Water Bus" Work

09:49, April 12, 2024 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Fully promote "water bus" to create "poetry and distance" at home

Fu Chaoyang presided over the special meeting

On the morning of April 9, Fu Chaoyang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over a special session on "Water Bus" work, listened to the progress of the project and deployed tasks to advance the next stage in combination with consolidating and expanding the theme education achievements and deepening the expansion of the "three struggles" action. Municipal leaders Chen Zhiqiang, Gao Yu and Zhu Zhengyang attended.

At the meeting, the responsible comrades of Mulan Group made a report, and the leaders of the participating cities and the responsible comrades of the departments directly under the municipal government put forward work suggestions based on the actual situation.

"First of all, what do you think of this matter?" After carefully listening to your speeches, Fu Chaoyang deeply expounded the significance of promoting the "waterbus" project in combination with the city goal positioning of "Mazu's hometown cultural city, landscape poetry and painting ecological charm city, creative and intelligent industrial new city, and strategic port city of connecting the river and the sea". He pointed out that cultural tourism is a beautiful business card of Putian, which is related to the well-being of the masses. "You can't do too much, and the people always benefit". We should make good use of Putian's resources and advantages, use the "water bus" as the golden key, activate the value of the green heart, and promote it for a long time, accelerate the construction of an international tourism destination, and build a modern city in which modern villages, people and nature coexist harmoniously.

"Putian's' water bus' is unique in the country, and can do unlimited articles." Fu Chaoyang pointed out that to do a good job in this article, we must adhere to the ecological priority, deeply study and implement Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, practice the Mulan River governance concept, revere history, culture, and ecology, implement the principle of "four waters and four fixations", and strengthen rigid constraints, Keep the bottom line and boundary firmly. It is necessary to benchmark the advanced, high station and large pattern, plan the water, shore and shore as a whole, plan the daytime and nighttime economy as a whole, string beads into a chain, form a benchmark, and "inspire the elements of Putian, excavate its connotation, and establish its image". It is necessary to expand the scene, connect Mulan River and Meizhou Island, enrich business types, integrate stories, reflect artistic conception, create immersive boutique routes, and form a tipping point. It is necessary to boost the industry, adjust measures to local conditions, find the right track, and conduct scientific demonstration to help local enterprises and industries in Putian.

"Everything should be done steadily, step by step, link by link, and work together to advance the work." Fu Chaoyang requires to clarify the main body, target large central enterprises and industry leaders, introduce strategic partners, share interests and risks; Improve the mechanism, improve the coordination mechanism, operation mechanism, financing mechanism and mass participation mechanism, make a strong overall plan at the municipal level, and provide special services for territorial and functional departments; Introduce policies, strengthen the overall planning, projects and funds, strengthen market-oriented and legal operation, form work lists and action plans, distinguish priorities, actively promote and promote, "will definitely benefit the people, become the 'poem and distance' at home". (Meizhou Daily reporter Huang Guoqing)

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