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Putian: Vigorously and Effectively Promote the Overall Revitalization of the Countryside Fu Chaoyang Investigates at the Grassroots Level

2024-04-10 08:57 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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On April 8, in combination with consolidating and expanding the theme education achievements and deepening the expansion of the "three struggles" action, Fu Chaoyang, the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, the Mayor of the Municipal River, and the Chief Forestry Officer of the Municipal Government, went to Xianyou County and Hanjiang District to investigate the rural revitalization work. Municipal leaders Yuan Suling, Gao Yu and Lin Shaowen attended together.

"How many people are there in the whole town? How about the village's financial situation? What difficulties still exist in the current work?" Fu Chaoyang came to Shufeng Township, Xianyou County to check the appearance of the township, walked into the Shufeng Township Agricultural Products Exhibition Center, listened to reports on the history and current status of Shufeng loquat planting, and worked with the township and village cadres to plan the next step of development ideas. "The key to rural revitalization lies in people!" Fu Chaoyang told them to actively introduce talents, strengthen operation management, launch characteristic brands, and better transform ecological advantages into economic advantages. When he came to Jichuan Village, Shicang Township, a famous historical and cultural village in China, Fu Chaoyang inspected the characteristic ancient dwellings, "Zhangbaorong", etc., and asked for in-depth research and exploration of historical and cultural resources, innovation of cultural and tourism models, so that the ancient villages can glow with new vitality and vitality, and better enable rural revitalization.

Ensuring food security is an important task for rural revitalization. Fu Chaoyang inspected the construction progress of the Xianyou Grain Reserve Warehouse Relocation Project, and requested that the project be promoted with quality and quantity guaranteed to ensure early completion and benefit; We should implement the strictest farmland protection system, pay close attention to farmland protection and food security throughout the chain and cycle, and keep the bottom line of food security. In Jinzhong Reservoir, Fu Chaoyang carefully learned about the storage capacity, and pointed out that the current flood season is in full swing, we should adhere to the people first, pay close attention to monitoring and early warning, timely and effective prevention, and ensure a safe flood season and the safety of people's lives and property. Yunlong State owned Forest Farm is located in Zhuangbian Town, Hanjiang District. Fu Chaoyang inspected the construction of the forest farm along the trail, and required to play the role of the forest leader system, expand the green with high standards, promote the green with high quality, protect the green with high efficiency, and constantly enrich the ecological background; At the same time, we will actively promote the construction of modern state-owned forest farms, explore ways to cultivate green seedlings, and drive people to increase their income and become rich.

Fu Chaoyang stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", implement the requirements of "five revitalization" according to the work deployment of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, and effectively promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. It is necessary to highlight the priority of planning, base on the local resource endowment, take overall consideration and high-level planning, optimize the functional layout, and ensure that development is followed, construction is handled, and revitalization has a blueprint. It is necessary to highlight industrial revitalization, rely on "one map of the city", one file for each town, one file for each village, implement the "two lists", improve the core, cultivate leading industries, cluster industries, and promote the upgrading of the whole chain. It is necessary to highlight the factor guarantee, focus on the talent as the main body, screen and analyze each field and each link, and accurately position, which can not only introduce talents but also play the largest role; Innovate financing mode and introduce capital from all parties through multiple channels. It is necessary to highlight pilot guidance, create brand highlights according to local conditions, and improve the overall level from point to area. At the same time, it is necessary to adhere to the clear direction of focusing on the grassroots, deepen and expand the project of "leading party building, strengthening the foundation and benefiting the people", promote the comprehensive progress of the grassroots party organizations, build a strong battle fortress, and provide a strong guarantee for rural revitalization. (Meizhou Daily reporter Huang Guoqing)

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