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Putian: Fu Chaoyang went deep into grass-roots research and hosted a symposium

2024-04-04 10:34 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Consolidate the defense line of maritime safety production to ensure the safety of people's lives and property

Fu Chaoyang went deep into grassroots research and hosted a symposium

On the morning of April 2, Fu Chaoyang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, went deep into Xiuyu District to investigate the fishery development, safety production and other work, and presided over a symposium. Municipal leaders Yuan Suling, Lin Shaowen and Lin Shaoxiong attended together.

Fu Chaoyang went to Daitou Shicheng Primary Fishing Port and Pinghai Primary Fishing Port to understand the ship management. "Where do you usually work? Is there any positioning equipment installed on the ship?" Fu Chaoyang interacted with fishermen, concerned about production and living conditions, and told them to always pay attention to the weather and current changes, keep communication unblocked, and ensure safe operation. Come to the marine fish raft farmers, Fu Chaoyang carefully inspected the breeding situation, asked "how many workers are employed at present" and "what is the market situation", and hoped that everyone would keep the bottom line of safety production and environmental protection, and "cross the day as far as possible!"

At the Maritime Maple Bridge Mediation Center in Pinghai Town, Fu Chaoyang hosted a symposium, connected and dispatched all counties and districts (management committees) through the big data platform, checked the management of ships at key terminals online, combed risks and weaknesses together, and identified the next steps.

Fu Chaoyang stressed that it is necessary to give full play to resource endowment, vigorously develop industries such as marine ranching, deep processing and marine leisure, deeply promote integrated development, and constantly expand channels for fishermen to increase income. We should adhere to the problem orientation, address weak points such as "three no" ships, and rely on the project of "leading the Party building, strengthening the foundation and benefiting the people" to comprehensively investigate, establish accounts, classify, qualitatively, and accurately rectify, so as to ensure standardized management and source prevention and control. We should pay attention to digital empowerment, combine the platform of "One Map of the City", make good use of technical means, real-time tracking, analysis, research and judgment, and dispatching command, to ensure that information is grasped at the first time, control is in place, and form a closed loop. It is necessary to strengthen the implementation of responsibilities, press down on the actual responsibilities, "all departments at all levels know their responsibilities and responsibilities, and clarify the work of top priority", and be responsible for their own work. It is necessary to create a good atmosphere, strengthen the law popularization education of fishermen and the publicity of policies and regulations, improve the awareness rate, enhance maritime safety awareness and emergency skills, and ensure the safety of life and property. (Meizhou Daily reporter Huang Guoqing)

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