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The provincial digital transformation on-site meeting was held in Putian

2024-03-31 10:05 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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The provincial digital transformation on-site meeting was held in Putian

Lin Ruiliang and Kang Tao made a speech. Fu Chaoyang and Lin Xuyang attended

On March 29, the provincial digital transformation on-site meeting was held in Putian. Lin Ruiliang, Vice Governor of the province, and Kang Tao, member of the Party Leadership Group of the provincial government attended the meeting and delivered speeches. Municipal leaders Fu Chaoyang, Lin Xuyang and Zhu Haihui attended the meeting.

Lin Ruiliang stressed that it is necessary to further study and implement the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the development of new quality productivity, and develop new quality productivity according to local conditions in combination with local resource endowments, industrial foundation and scientific research conditions; Further encourage relevant departments and enterprises to carry out training exchanges, make overall arrangements, and promote digital transformation work to see results; Further establish a sound mechanism to release mature products of digital service providers in a timely manner; Further complement the weak links and accelerate the digital transformation of willing and potential enterprises; Further strengthen efforts in AI, accelerate the recruitment of AI enterprises, and improve labor productivity in an all-round way; Further build a large supply and demand platform, unblock the supply and demand market channels, and provide efficient communication and docking information for enterprise demand and technical products.

At the meeting, representatives of Sankeshu Paint Co., Ltd., CEC Wangchen Technology Co., Ltd., Fujian University of Science and Technology iFLYTEK Technology Co., Ltd. and other enterprises exchanged experiences. During this period, personnel from relevant units directly under the provincial government, in cities with districts, and in Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone went to Shuangchi Industrial Co., Ltd., Budweiser Xuejin Beer Co., Ltd., and Fujian Jiatong Tire Co., Ltd. to inspect the intelligent production workshops on the spot and understand the achievements of industrial digitalization. (Meizhou Daily/Wu Qina)

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