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Putian: Lin Xuyang conducts in-depth field research on the construction of key livelihood projects

2024-03-28 09:05 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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High quality and high efficiency, focus on projects, and use emotion to benefit people's livelihood

Lin Xuyang conducts in-depth field research

On March 27, Mayor Lin Xuyang led the heads of relevant departments directly under the municipal government to go deep into Licheng District, Chengxiang District and Hanjiang District to investigate the construction of key livelihood projects on the spot. Vice Mayor Lin Shaowen and Zhu Zhengyang attended respectively.

Lin Xuyang went to the new campus of Zhongshan Middle School, the second phase of Zixiao Avenue, the new hospital of Licheng District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and other project sites, listened carefully to the report on the project construction progress, communicated deeply with the relevant responsible persons, and coordinated to solve the difficulties and blockages in the project promotion. He requested that we should focus on the nodes, schedule the construction period in reverse, make full efforts to tackle the difficulties, and promote the project to be completed and put into use as soon as possible. At Xiaotang Farmer's Market, Lin Xuyangzi carefully observed the internal environment and health of the market, communicated with the business operators, asked about prices, supply channels, flow of people, etc., inspected the implementation of food safety measures on the spot, and demanded to consolidate and improve the achievements of building a national food safety demonstration city, strictly control the quality of food safety, standardize the business order, and improve the management level, so that the masses can buy comfort Eat with ease.

Lin Xuyang stressed that the government's solemn commitment to the people is to do a good job of people's livelihood, which involves the vital interests of the people. All relevant departments at all levels should adhere to the people centered development idea, take the benefit of the people as the most important political achievement, make great efforts to do a better job of people's livelihood that is accessible to more people, and constantly meet the people's aspirations for a better life. We should promote the three "ten major projects" and practical projects for the people's livelihood in a high-quality and efficient manner. Under the premise of strict quality and safety control, we should spare no effort to accelerate the construction progress and improve the level of livelihood security. We should listen to the public opinion with heart and emotion, focus on the urgent problems of the masses, make contributions for a long time, solve problems one by one, and earnestly do practical things and good things. (Meizhou Daily/Wu Qina)

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