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Putian: Lin Xuyang shares a special topic for the students of China Pudong Cadre College

2024-03-23 10:33 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Keeping in mind the instructions and thanksgiving, striving to implement the concept of Mulan River governance, accelerating the construction of a green and high-quality development pilot city

Lin Xuyang made a special sharing for the students of China Pudong Cadre College

three On October 20, Mayor Lin Xuyang was invited to China Pudong Cadre College to introduce Putian's experience and practices in practicing the concept of Mulan River governance and accelerating the construction of a leading city of green and high-quality development to the participants in the seminar on "Promoting People's City Construction and Improving Urban Governance", and exchange their experience with the participants on the spot. The course was hosted and commented by Zhu Yuan, Deputy Director of the Teaching and Research Division of Management and Director of the Ecological Civilization Research Center.

In the class, Lin Xuyang combined theory with practice, supplemented by pictures, videos and so on, with the theme of "Remember to entrust gratitude and forge ahead to practice Mulan River governance concept and accelerate the construction of a green and high-quality development pilot city". Lin Xuyang said that the people of Putian are extremely grateful, grateful, and grateful for following the footsteps and more deeply understanding the important concept of General Secretary Xi Jinping's governance of Mulan Creek, which is shining, and the great power of practice is enduring. Putian has transformed its deep love for the General Secretary into a high degree of consciousness of supporting, trusting, loyal and maintaining the core, with feelings and sincerity from top to bottom, and has drawn a blueprint to the end.

Lin Xuyang said that Fujian is an important breeding ground and practice place for Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and this year coincides with the 25th anniversary of General Secretary Xi Jinping's personally painting the governance of Mulan Creek. Putian will vigorously inherit and carry forward the important concept of General Secretary Xi Jinping's governance of Mulan Creek and the important mandate of protecting Meizhou Island, promote green and high-quality economic development with the whole basin system governance of Mulan Creek, comprehensively exert "one general grasp, five articles, two major supports, three strategies, and four cities", and accelerate the construction of a leading city for green and high-quality development, Try hard to answer Putian's answer paper that composes the chapter of Chinese modernization of Fujian.

During the on-site interaction and exchange, the student representatives asked questions enthusiastically and the atmosphere was warm. Everyone said that the Mulan Creek governance case has vividly interpreted the rich connotation of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought. It is necessary to learn and explore the strategic thinking, scientific methods and outstanding wisdom contained therein, firmly practice Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, strengthen the construction of ecological civilization, promote green and low-carbon development, and build a beautiful China where people and nature coexist in harmony. (Meizhou Daily/Wu Qina)

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