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Putian held a farewell ceremony for recruits in the first half of 2024

2024-03-20 09:05 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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On March 19, the farewell ceremony for new recruits in the first half of 2024 was held at Putian High speed Railway Station. Lin Xuyang, the leader of the municipal conscription leading group and the mayor, attended and delivered a speech. Yang Zhong, deputy leader of the municipal conscription leading group and commander of Putian military sub district, Lin Shaoxiong, deputy leader of the municipal conscription leading group and deputy mayor, Wang Guangming, director of the municipal conscription office and deputy commander of Putian military sub district, attended the meeting.

Lin Xuyang, on behalf of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, warmly congratulated the aspiring youth who were about to embark on the military journey. He said that Putian is a red land, a revolutionary land, and has always had the glorious tradition of loving the party and the army. We hope that you will be loyal to the Party and live up to the people, vigorously carry forward the revolutionary spirit of "Red Flag will not fall" in central Fujian, carve the soul of the army into the soul, let the battle flag closely follow the party flag, and always be a revolutionary soldier who is loyal to the Party and lives up to the people on the new journey; Practice hard, be able to fight and win, and strive to become a new generation of "Four Haves" revolutionary soldiers; Refine the style, strive for excellence, polish the brand of "Putian Good Soldier" with a solid style, and create a card of "Putian Elite" with excellent skills, so as to win honor for Putian people and enrich the hometown elders.

At the ceremony, the city's new recruits lined up neatly, dressed in military uniforms, wore ribbons on their shoulders, and their military posture was straight and energetic, which fully demonstrated the good image of Putian youth. After the farewell ceremony, the leaders attending the meeting went to the platform to see off the recruits.

It is understood that in the first half of this year, under the strong leadership of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, and with the joint efforts of all military and local departments at all levels, the recruitment of 520 recruits was successfully completed, with 94% of college students and 72% of college graduates, both exceeding the provincial targets. (Meizhou Daily/Wu Qina)

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