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Putian: do a good job of practical work with heart and emotion, pay Chaoyang special research on people's livelihood

2024-03-20 09:05 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Always stand firm in the people's position and do practical things well with heart and emotion

Fu Chaoyang Investigates People's Livelihood Work

On the morning of March 18, Fu Chaoyang, the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, visited the cadres and workers of relevant departments directly under the Municipal People's Government, made in-depth research on people's livelihood at the grass-roots level, and held a symposium to solve specific problems. He stressed that we should thoroughly implement the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on ensuring and improving people's livelihood, adhere to the people centered development thought, and sincerely do the things of people's livelihood in practice and ideas, and constantly enhance the sense of gain, happiness and security of the masses. Municipal leaders Chen Huiqian, Gao Yu, Hu Guofang, Lin Shaowen and Zhu Zhengyang participated respectively.

"People's livelihood matters the most in my mind, and I always miss it!" Fu Chaoyang went to the Civilized Office of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Education Bureau, the Municipal Health Commission, and the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, visited each department, talked face to face with cadres and workers, thanked everyone for their hard work, and asked about "how to carry out the work at ordinary times" and "what problems currently exist" "What needs the support of the Party committee and the government". Fu Chaoyang said, "As much as you feel and work hard, you will achieve great results." He hoped that everyone would always stand firm in the people's position, conscientiously perform their job responsibilities, and work hard to do well in people's livelihood. Fu Chaoyang also inspected the construction of Putian Provincial Regional Medical Center and the Xindu Campus of Putian No. 1 Middle School, and required to focus on the time nodes, promote quality and quantity, and ensure that the project is completed as soon as possible and bring benefits into play.

"What is the most urgent thing at the moment? Where are the biggest weaknesses and problems?" In the conference room of Xindu Campus of Putian No. 1 Middle School, Fu Chaoyang hosted a symposium, listened to the work reports of the comrades in charge of the relevant departments, responded to specific problems one by one, required systematic sorting, establishment of accounts, analysis, research and judgment, tracking and supervision. "People's livelihood work is a basic work, and no amount of attention or support can be overemphasized!" Fu Chaoyang stressed that we should not only look at problems from a professional perspective, but also solve difficult problems from the perspective of the masses, especially for the livelihood problems of vulnerable groups and people in difficulty, we should highlight humanistic services, implement precise policies and provide precise assistance.

To meet their desire for a happy life is our mission. Fu Chaoyang stressed that all relevant departments at all levels in the city should adhere to the principle of people first, act according to their abilities, do their best, and implement the requirements of "living in a tight time", and use their financial resources for development and people's livelihood. We should focus on the urgency and hope, combine the project of "leading the Party building, strengthening the foundation and benefiting the people", "ask more questions", "work hard", and "seek efficiency", keep conscience and the bottom line, so that every matter of people's livelihood has quality, strength, and temperature. We should firmly establish the idea of "one game of chess", compact responsibility, interaction and linkage, make good use of "one map of the whole city", promote listing, market-oriented operation and closed-loop implementation, and ensure that we see the strengths and bones, and benefit the masses. "As long as our responsibilities, mechanisms and work are in place, we can do things well one by one, work hard for a long time, and people's lives will be better and better!" (Meizhou Daily reporter Huang Guoqing)

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