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Putian Footwear Industry Special Conference Held Fu Chaoyang Attended and Delivered a Speech

2024-03-13 08:55 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Understand the situation, firm confidence, work together for warmth and mutual achievements

Putian Footwear Industry Special Conference Held Fu Chaoyang Attended and Delivered a Speech

In the afternoon of March 11, Putian footwear and clothing industry special meeting was held. Fu Chaoyang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, attended the meeting and gathered with representatives of enterprises, experts and relevant leaders of the association in the footwear and clothing industry to discuss how to promote high-quality development of the footwear and clothing industry. Municipal leaders Gao Yu, Hu National Defense, Zhu Haihui, Zhang Zhihong, etc. attended the meeting, and Huang Zhenyao, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, head of the United Front Work Department, and head of the municipal footwear and clothing industry chain, presided over the meeting.

"I am full of emotion and confidence in Putian's' shoes'," Fu Chaoyang said affectionately. After carefully listening to the speeches of enterprise representatives, expert representatives, and relevant leaders of the Association, he responded one by one and deeply interacted with each other on the issues and suggestions reflected on brand building, standard leading, intelligent manufacturing, cross-border e-commerce, sharing platform, financing guarantee, talent demand, policy support, and required the territory and relevant departments to solve the list in a closed-loop manner.

"The experts are in the enterprise!" Fu Chaoyang fully affirmed that this meeting was a high-level exchange and collision in the development of Putian shoes and clothing industry, a "brainstorm", a gathering of information, a telepathy, and deeply admired entrepreneurs and experts. He pointed out that the meeting highlighted the market subject's feelings, adhered to the problem oriented and effect oriented, found the point of convergence between the work of the Party Committee and the government and the aspirations of enterprises, and formed the ideas and methods for the next step of work. He hoped that everyone would grasp the strength and rhythm, and do their work well in the organic combination of a promising government and an effective market.

Fu Chaoyang analyzed the "shape" and "trend" faced in combination with the new challenges, new formats and new models of the development of the footwear and clothing industry, encouraged everyone to recognize the situation, strengthen the confidence in the development of "Putian shoes", understand the laws of the industrial life cycle, comply with the wind vane and the general trend, seize the window period, the opportunity period and the critical period, take advantage of the ship to go to sea, take advantage of the momentum to climb up, and together promote "Putian shoes" Become the "pearl on the crown of shoemaking industry". We should dance the dragon head, strengthen the chain and unswervingly develop the brand. "The road to brand building needs long-term accumulation, needs deep calm waters, and needs to overcome difficulties", pays attention to ideas and methods, makes efforts in both production and brand building, focuses on industry standards, process technology, etc., extends the chain, complements the chain and strengthens the chain, and promotes the high-end, intelligent, and green development of the industry; Deeply explore the connotation, characteristics and spirit of "Putian Shoes", systematically formulate publicity plans, tell stories about products and enterprises, deepen the activities of "entering universities, institutions and enterprises", strengthen regional brand operation and promotion, and better promote the word of mouth and popularity of "Putian Shoes". We should work together for warmth and mutual achievements. "Walk alone fast, walk together far", open your mind, improve your position, form an internal cycle of supply and demand, and improve the resilience and safety level of the industrial chain.

"Establish the concept of growing together with enterprises." Fu Chaoyang requires that Party committees and governments at all levels and industrial chain professionals should coordinate and be efficient, implement the "two lists", plan common problems and individual needs, optimize policy supply, effectively solve difficult problems such as financing, talent and innovation, and do more "help in times of need" and less "umbrella in sunny days". It is hoped that entrepreneurs can know what is going on, see what is going on, work step by step, and move steadily to the future. "I believe that there will be more young trees growing into towering trees in Putian's footwear and clothing industry". (Meizhou Daily reporter Huang Guoqing)

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