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Energizing green and high-quality development with high-level ecological environment protection -- An interview with Lin Xuyang, deputy to the National People's Congress and mayor of Putian City

2024-03-12 09:21 Xu Guoxi Source: Hong Kong Economic Herald Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the key year to achieve the goals and tasks of the 14th Five Year Plan, and the 25th anniversary of General Secretary Xi Jinping personally charting the governance of Mulan Creek. In the new year, how can Putian thoroughly implement Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, actively practice the important concept of General Secretary Xi Jinping's governance of Mulan Creek, and accelerate the construction of a leading city for green and high-quality development? Recently, Lin Xuyang, deputy to the National People's Congress and mayor of Putian City, received an exclusive interview with reporters from the Hong Kong Economic Herald.

Reporter: In recent years, how does Putian City solidly promote the construction of ecological civilization?

Lin Xuyang: During his work in Fujian, General Secretary Xi Jinping cared about and promoted the governance of Mulan Creek for 10 times, leaving valuable ideological wealth, spiritual wealth and practical achievements for Putian. Successive Putian Municipal Party Committee and Putian Municipal Government have kept in mind their expectations, worked hard with gratitude, drawn a blueprint to the end, and worked one after another to accelerate the construction of a leading city for green and high-quality development. First, strengthen high-level promotion. Fully implement the Opinions of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government on Supporting Putian City to Practice the Mulanxi Governance Concept and Build a Leading City for Green and High Quality Development, and issue a series of special plans such as the action plan for building a leading city for green and high quality development, the evaluation and incentive plan for promoting green and high quality development, the implementation opinions on carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and the action plan for promoting green economic development, Build a systematic and complete system of ecological civilization. Second, strengthen reform empowerment. Relying on the cloud platform of "One Picture of the City", we explored the digital empowerment of ecological environment protection and governance, promoted the rectification of the central ecological environment protection supervision issues, the handling of public complaints and other issues on the platform, and achieved "online dispatching+offline handling". Last year, environmental complaints and complaints dropped by 32% year on year. Explore the "ecological justice+" mechanism, take the lead in carrying out the connection work between ecological justice and natural resource assets departure audit of leading cadres in the country, promote the subscription of carbon sink to replace the new model of ecological environment damage repair, and form a "Putian sample" of "procuratorial+carbon sink" ecological repair. Third, strengthen system governance. Promote the governance of VOCs in key industries, carry out "spot rectification" of urban fugitive dust, and the air quality compliance rate exceeds 96%; The three-year action of Mulan River Basin treatment and urban and rural sewage infrastructure improvement was implemented, and the proportion of excellent water quality in the national and provincial control sections of Mulan River Basin reached 100% for the first time; Deepen the investigation and treatment of sewage outfalls into the sea and comprehensive treatment of floating garbage, ranking first in the province in terms of the proportion of excellent water quality controlled by the state and province, and Meizhou Island and Nanri Island won the first batch of "USUNHOME Islands" in the country; Accelerate the construction of "waste free city", promote the reduction of solid waste sources, classification and recycling, and continue to improve the soil ecological environment. We also actively carried out ecological protection and restoration activities. The Mulan River flood control project was rated as the national water and soil conservation demonstration project, and the Mulan River land greening project was selected as a national pilot project. Fourth, strengthen green transformation. To promote green production and build a green manufacturing system, five enterprises were included in the green factory list of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, two parks were rated as national green industrial parks, and six enterprises were included in the provincial green manufacturing list; Promote ecological industrialization, actively develop carbon sink fishery and green agriculture, and complete the first carbon sink transaction of bivalve marine fishery in China; We will promote clean energy and spare no effort to develop clean energy such as wind, hydropower and solar energy. Last year, new energy generated 12.2 billion kWh, accounting for 45.6% of the city's energy; Promote low-carbon life. Last year, the city promoted 11000 new energy vehicles, and 94.9% of clean energy and new energy buses.

Reporter: On the new journey, how can Putian thoroughly practice Xi Jinping's ecological civilization idea and speed up the construction of a leading demonstration city in beautiful China?

Lin Xuyang: Building a beautiful China is a major decision made by General Secretary Xi Jinping to promote the overall strategy of Chinese style modernization. Last December, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the Opinions on Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of a Beautiful China, drawing a new picture of building a beautiful China. Premier Li Qiang also pointed out in the government work report that we should build a beautiful China where people and nature coexist in harmony. On the new journey, Putian will continue to struggle and strive to lead and demonstrate in the great practice of building a beautiful China. First, fulfill the green mission and create ecological beauty. We will firmly implement the important concept of General Secretary Xi Jinping in governing Mulan Creek, carry out projects such as water ecological governance and restoration in the lower reaches of Mulan Creek, and renovation of the North South Yanghe River network, create a national nature reserve at the source of Mulan Creek and a provincial wetland park at the mouth of Mulan Creek, and promote the proportion of water quality in the national and provincial control sections of the whole Mulan Creek basin to be 100% excellent; We will comprehensively carry out the national pilot project of comprehensive land improvement and ecological restoration on the south bank of Mulan Creek, strengthen the protection of the green heart, build a provincial water museum, and build Mulan Creek into a whole basin exhibition belt, a full element exhibition hall, and a panoramic exhibition axis to practice Xi Jinping's ecological civilization. Keep in mind the important mandate of General Secretary Xi Jinping on protecting Meizhou Island, promote the improvement and renovation of the island style, promote the national water system connectivity and the pilot construction of water beauty countryside, and strive to become the first zero carbon island in China. The second is to strengthen the green economy and build an ecological foundation. Adhere to the development concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains, adhere to digital transformation, intelligent transformation and green production, promote the upgrading of traditional industries, the growth of emerging industries, and the cultivation of future industries, and accelerate the development of new quality productivity. At the same time, we will strictly control the entry threshold of projects, take a clear stand on investment efficiency and tax per mu, so as to make development more "green" and "gold". The third is to support green people's livelihood and share the benefits of ecology. We will solidly promote the third round of ecological environmental protection supervision and rectification by the central government, deepen the prevention and control of environmental pollution, and continue to fight well in the defense of blue sky, clear water, clear sea, and pure land. We will coordinate the construction of ecological corridors and landscape corridors, promote the "Puyang Fu Road" and "water buses" to form a chain, build a batch of country parks, pocket parks, and urban green spaces, and accelerate the creation of an ecological city of landscape poetry and painting; Deeply implement the rural construction action, continue to improve the rural living environment, continue to improve rural infrastructure, continue to create a beautiful rural model, and let the achievements of ecological civilization construction benefit the people of the city.

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