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Putian Propaganda Ministers Meeting Held Fu Chaoyang Raised Requirements

2024-03-08 12:05 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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On March 7, the municipal propaganda ministers' meeting was held to earnestly study and implement the spirit of the national and provincial propaganda ministers' meeting and the work requirements of the municipal party committee, convey the instructions and requirements of Fu Chaoyang, the secretary of the municipal party committee, review and summarize the work in 2023, and deploy the propaganda, ideological and cultural work of the city in 2024. Chen Huiqian, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and head of the Publicity Department, attended and delivered a speech, and Zhu Zhengyang, vice mayor, presided over the meeting.

Fu Chaoyang pointed out that in the past year, the city's propaganda, ideology and culture system focused on its main responsibility, focused on integrity and innovation, and achieved fruitful results in theoretical public opinion, internal and external publicity, cultural civilization, ideology and other work, which helped our city successfully build a national historical and cultural city, and its achievements deserve full recognition. In the new year, it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's cultural ideology, earnestly implement the spirit of the national and provincial propaganda ministers' meetings, always adhere to the correct political direction, value orientation, and public opinion guidance, use emotion to vigorously promote theoretical armed forces, continue to consolidate and strengthen mainstream ideological public opinion, prosper and develop cultural undertakings and cultural industries, and earnestly maintain ideological security, To provide a strong ideological guarantee, a strong spiritual force and favorable cultural conditions for building a leading city of green and high-quality development.

The meeting stressed that this year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China and the 25th anniversary of General Secretary Xi Jinping personally promoting the governance of Mulan Creek. The city's propaganda, ideology and culture front should adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's cultural ideology, better shoulder the new cultural mission, make every effort to promote the construction of a strong cultural city, and strive to promote the work of making achievements and creating brilliance again. It is necessary to strengthen cultural confidence, promote cultural self-improvement, be upright and continue to strengthen Puxian culture publicity, and make great efforts in content mining, activity planning, work creation, thematic publicity, etc. to promote Puxian culture to expand its influence and form a brand. It is necessary to take the offensive as the defense, create the glory again, deepen the use of high-level publicity, new media full platform publicity and other methods, and comprehensively promote the publicity of Mulan Creek governance concept, economic industry, Putian Lantern Festival, Mazu culture, folk culture, cultural tourism development, education quality and other key areas, so as to better tell the story of Putian, Make new and greater contributions to the Putian answer paper that has written the chapter of Chinese modernization in Fujian. Meizhou Daily Reporter Chen Zuqiang)

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