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Putian: Promoting the Overall Revitalization of the Countryside Lin Xuyang Investigates at the Grassroots Level

2024-02-28 09:04 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Learning and Applying the Experience of "Ten Million Project" to Promote the Overall Revitalization of Rural Areas

Lin Xuyang goes deep into the grass-roots investigation

In the afternoon of February 26, Lin Xuyang, the mayor, led the heads of relevant departments directly under the municipal government to go deep into Hanjiang District to study and apply the experience of the "Ten Million Project" to investigate rural revitalization, check spring plowing, grain security, etc., and carry out the work of "forest patrol by forest leaders".

In Gongxi Village, Xinxian Town, Lin Xuyang observed the protection of forest resources on the spot, listened carefully to the report on the implementation of the forest leader system, and investigated the construction of Jiaji Thatched Cottage Forest Park. He demanded to dig deep into the historical and cultural connotation, strengthen the protection, repair and utilization of ancient trees and famous trees, and historic sites, and empower the rural revitalization with the integration of culture and tourism. Lin Xuyang went deep into Guangshan Village, Baisha Town, and went to Xingtian Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd. to learn about the stable production and supply of vegetables in spring in detail, and required to pay attention to the agricultural production in spring without delaying the agricultural time, so as to lay a good foundation for the annual grain harvest. Later, Lin Xuyang also came to Baisha Community to observe the development of Huaxing Co., Ltd.'s edible fungus industry, encourage enterprises to play a leading role in demonstration, promote experience and technology, innovate cooperation models, and constantly expand the channels for farmers to increase income and become rich.

During the survey, Lin Xuyang stressed that we should thoroughly study and implement the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", learn and apply the experience of the "Ten Million Project", comprehensively implement the responsibility of the party and the government for farmland protection and food security, and implement the farmland fertility improvement project to ensure the stability of grain sown area and total output. We need to strengthen modern agriculture with characteristics, develop new forms of business such as leisure agriculture, rural e-commerce, and rural tourism, and promote the "big integration" of primary, secondary, and tertiary industries. We should firmly establish the concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, strengthen the management and protection of forest and grass resources, strictly prevent and control forest fires, prevent and control forest pests, etc., and ensure that the work of forest leader system is carefully implemented. (Meizhou Daily/Wu Qina)

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