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Putian New Year's "Good Start" Key Projects Held

2024-02-21 08:50 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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The city's "good start" key projects were held

Fu Chaoyang and Lin Xuyang led the field survey respectively

The start is the sprint, and the start is to compete. In order to deepen and expand the action of "striving for excellence through deep learning, daring to strive for excellence, and striving for effectiveness through hard work", on the morning of February 20, our city held a centralized opening and completion activity of key projects for the "good start" of the Spring Festival, and sounded the "rush" of project tackling. Fu Chaoyang, the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Lin Xuyang, the mayor, led a team to investigate the construction of the project on the spot, so as to encourage enthusiasm, confidence and promotion. Municipal leaders Su Yongge, Shen Mengya, Yuan Suling, Chen Zhiqiang, Chen Huiqian, Lin Jianwei, Gao Yu, Zheng Jiaqing, Huang Zhenyao and others attended respectively.

Fu Chaoyang investigated the Yunchang Auto Sunroof Intelligent Equipment Base in Licheng District, the reconstruction of Mulan Tieling District in Chengxiang District, the Xianyou Mulan Pumped Storage Power Station and other projects on the spot; Lin Xuyang made a field survey on projects such as Liandong U Valley · Strait Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Valley in Hanjiang District, Saixian Recycling Green Functional New Material Industrial Park in Xiuyu District, and the comprehensive utilization of new materials of Youxing Oupai on the north bank. "What is the core competitiveness of the product? What is the market share?" "What problems need the government to help coordinate and solve?" During the survey, Fu Chaoyang and Lin Xuyang asked about the situation in detail, encouraged enterprises to strengthen their confidence, seize the opportunity, reverse the schedule, and fight with wall charts, and promote the project to be completed, put into production, and achieve efficiency as soon as possible in a vigorous and vigorous manner.

Fu Chaoyang and Lin Xuyang stressed that Putian is currently in the critical stage of climbing the slope and crossing the barrier. We should take the overall situation into consideration, coordinate the implementation of macro policies and micro policies, follow the market rules, find our own positioning, plant distinctive advantages, and win the development opportunity with strategic initiative. It is necessary to strengthen project support, focus on big strategy, big industry, big investment attraction and big projects, take the lead in the layout of new tracks, strengthen the chain extension and supplement the chain, be realistic and pragmatic, and really work hard to form a good situation of rolling continuity, and consolidate the foundation of green and high-quality development. It is necessary to foster a strong sense of serving the people, give full play to the role of the Urban Planning Commission, strengthen top-level design, strengthen evaluation and demonstration, take heart to heart, be accurate and realistic, continue to improve people's well-being, and constantly improve the connotation and quality of the city. We should strengthen factor guarantee, inherit and carry forward the fine tradition of "four grassroots", implement the "two lists" of development and service, improve the accuracy and utilization of factor allocation, strengthen supervision, evaluation and incentive, and promote the speed and efficiency of project construction.

It is reported that 140 projects have been launched and completed with a total investment of 80.5 billion yuan. Among them, there are 70 projects under construction, with a total investment of 50.5 billion yuan and an annual planned investment of 13.2 billion yuan; 70 completed projects with a total investment of 30 billion yuan. (Meizhou Daily reporter Huang Guoqing and Wu Qina)

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