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The founding meeting of Life Health Industry Development Alliance of Provincial Enterprise Confederation was held in Putian

2024-02-11 10:34 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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The founding meeting of Life Health Industry Development Alliance of Provincial Enterprise Confederation was held in Putian

Lin Xuyang and Liu Jieming give a speech

On February 7, the founding meeting of Fujian Enterprise Confederation Life Health Industry Development Alliance was held in Putian. Mayor Lin Xuyang and President Liu Jieming of the Provincial Enterprise Confederation attended and delivered speeches. Chen Yangbiao, Executive Vice President of the Provincial Enterprise Confederation, Su Yongge, Director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and Cai Guoping, Deputy Director attended the meeting. Vice Mayor Hu Guofang presided over the meeting. Lin Jinbo, Executive Vice President of the Provincial Enterprise Confederation and President of the Municipal Enterprise Confederation, was elected as the General Director of the Alliance and made an inaugural speech.

Lin Xuyang congratulated the establishment of the Life Health Industry Development Alliance of the Provincial Enterprise Confederation in his speech. He said that in recent years, under the strong leadership of the provincial party committee and government, with the care and support of the provincial enterprise federation, Putian Municipal Party Committee and Putian Municipal Government have attached great importance to the development of the life and health industry. Taking the establishment of the alliance as an opportunity, we hope to work together to create a brand in the market, create a full chain, cross regional exchange and cooperation platform, and promote the brands of "Fujian Medicine" and "Pu Medicine"; Jointly promote the transformation and strengthen the core, grasp the advantages of the cross-strait biotechnology and medical health industry cooperation zone, strengthen the support for independent innovation and the synergy of the whole industry chain, and promote the high-quality development of the life and health industry; Jointly set standards to promote improvement, promote the development of social medical industry standards, and build a national private medical industry benchmark; Work together to build an image and build a reputation, strengthen the diversified supervision of social medical services, tell a good story of Putian, and jointly maintain Putian's good reputation. Putian Municipal Party Committee and Putian Municipal Government will strive to create an international first-class business environment, provide the highest quality, most efficient and most convenient services, and fully promote the high-quality development of the life and health industry.

Liu Jieming said that the Life and Health Industry Alliance of Fujian Enterprise Confederation, headquartered in Putian, will help unite the strength of the industry in the province, connect the socialized medical network of Putian businessmen across the country, and promote the integrated development of Fujian and Taiwan industries. The establishment of industry development alliances directly under the Provincial Enterprise Confederation in cities outside the provincial capital is also a new attempt to implement the dual leadership alliance system in cooperation between the Provincial Enterprise Confederation and the municipal governments with districts. The Provincial Enterprise Confederation will fully support the cause of the Life Health Industry Development Alliance and do a good job in various services. At the same time, we hope that the Alliance will carefully organize, plan as a whole, integrate resources, establish mechanisms, provide valuable services to promote high-quality industrial development, build a Putian sample of the cross-strait biotechnology and medical health industry cooperation pilot zone, and contribute to high-quality economic development in Fujian Province.

The General Assembly elected the main members of the first Executive Committee of the Alliance and held a licensing ceremony. The site also signed the strategic cooperation projects of bank credit, financial leasing cooperation of medical equipment, training of medical technicians, and cooperation platform of medical equipment maintenance.

On the same day, the first China (Xiuyu) Health Industry Exhibition opened in Putian. The leaders and guests attending the exhibition visited the exhibition and exchanged cordially with the participating entrepreneurs. (Meizhou Daily/Wu Qina)

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