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Putian: Fu Chaoyang visited front-line journalists in news organizations

2024-02-09 11:05 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Fu Chaoyang stressed when visiting front-line journalists

Closer to the grassroots, closer to the reality, closer to the people

More and better strengthen confidence, warm people and build a common heart

On the morning of February 7, when the Spring Festival was coming, Fu Chaoyang, the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, paid a visit to the news organizations and expressed his greetings and sincere wishes to the journalists throughout the city. Chen Huiqian, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Municipal Committee and head of the Publicity Department, Gao Yu, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Municipal Committee and Secretary General of the CPC Municipal Committee, attended the meeting.

"It's something I've always been worried about coming to see my reporter friends." Fu Chaoyang said that on the way forward, it's normal to have wind and rain. The past year, the 40th anniversary of Putian's founding, was not easy or ordinary. We walked very firmly and firmly, and we did everything in a down-to-earth and pragmatic way, and achieved a series of results. This is the result of the joint efforts of the people of the city, and also inseparable from the efforts and dedication of journalists. Through newspapers, new media, TV programs, etc., we told the story of Putian well, sang the main theme, carried forward the positive energy, and created a good atmosphere for the development of Putian.

Fu Chaoyang pointed out that this year is the Lunar Year of the Dragon, and the dragon symbolizes auspiciousness, beauty, strength and wisdom. The Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government will continue to keep in mind the instructions, be grateful and forge ahead. They also hope that journalists can inspire the spirit of Long, be closer to the grassroots, reality and people, and more and better strengthen confidence, warm people's hearts and build a common heart, so as to work together to contribute to the construction of a green and high-quality development pioneer city, and "Putian's future will be better". (Meizhou Daily reporter Huang Guoqing)

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