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Putian: 2023 Annual Review Meeting of the Secretary of the Party Committee on Grassroots Party Building

2024-02-02 09:05 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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2023 Annual Review Meeting of the Secretary of the Party Committee on Grassroots Party Building

Fu Chaoyang Chairs and Addresses Lin Xuyang Attends

On the morning of February 1, Fu Chaoyang, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over the 2023 annual review meeting of the Party Secretary's work report on grass-roots party building. Lin Xuyang, Deputy Secretary and Mayor of the Municipal Party Committee, Yuan Suling, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Head of the Organization Department, Chen Zhiqiang, Chen Huiqian, Lin Jianwei, Gao Yu, Zheng Jiaqing and Huang Zhenyao, members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, attended the meeting. Relevant comrades from the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee attended the meeting for guidance.

At the meeting, the secretaries of the county and district committees (working committees), the executive deputy secretaries of the working committees of the municipal Party committees, the retired working committees of the municipal Party committees, and the party committee secretaries of the Mekong Vocational College respectively reported on their work. The Secretary of the Education Working Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, the Secretary of the Party Committee of the Municipal State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and the Working Committee of the Municipal Party Committee on Non public Enterprises and Social Organizations made written statements on their work. Fu Chaoyang listened carefully to the on-site work report and made comments one by one, fully affirmed the results, pointed out the existing problems, and clarified the rectification requirements and direction of efforts.

Fu Chaoyang pointed out that this year is the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China and the key year to achieve the goals and tasks of the 14th Five Year Plan. It is of great significance to do a good job in Party building at the grass-roots level, which is related to the overall situation of reform, development and stability. Party organizations at all levels in the city should thoroughly study and implement the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on Party building, firmly shoulder the main responsibility, continue the good state style and ability level, hold the bottom line, clarify the boundary, fulfill their responsibilities with due diligence, sink the work, coordinate and control the overall situation, overcome difficulties and coordinate with all parties, To provide strong organizational guarantee for building a leading city of green and high-quality development.

Fu Chaoyang stressed that we should be more self-conscious in ideological guidance and political construction, adhere to the leadership of the Party's political construction, persevere in using the Party's innovative theory to solidify the heart and forge the soul, guide the vast number of Party members and cadres to internalize and externalize in practice, translate the deep love for General Secretary Xi Jinping into concrete work results, and firmly support the "two establishment" with practical actions Firmly implement "two maintenance". We should be more powerful in consolidating the foundation and strengthening the team, adhere to the clear guidance of focusing on the grass-roots level, and combine with the project of "leading the Party building, strengthening the foundation and benefiting the people", strictly organize the system, strictly strengthen the team of party members, and strictly implement the system, so that every party member will become a bright red flag and every basic party organization will become a strong battle fortress. We should be more effective in keeping with the overall situation and serving the development, focus on the "one five two three four" work deployment, focus on leading grass-roots governance, leading high-quality development, and leading rural revitalization with party building, and effectively transform the party's political and organizational advantages into governance effectiveness and development momentum. We need to be more responsible and well oriented, firmly establish and practice the correct view of political achievements, highlight the responsibility oriented, problem oriented, and practical oriented, adhere to the principle of "career oriented, people and posts compatible", implement the "three distinctions", let cadres loose their hands and feet, go into battle light, and boost the entrepreneurial spirit of the officers. "Putian will become better and better as we move forward towards our dreams and hopes!"

Members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, members of the Leading Group for Party Construction of the Municipal Party Committee, relevant responsible comrades of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, some of the "two representatives and one member" of our city, and representatives of grass-roots party members, cadres, and the masses conducted on-site reviews. (Meizhou Daily reporter Huang Guoqing intern Yang Chenyi)

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