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Putian: Fu Chaoyang goes to the grass-roots level to inspect work safety

2024-02-01 09:08 Source: Meizhou Daily Editor in charge: Jin Jingjing Let me say something
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Exchange the "hardship index" of cadres for the "safety index" of the masses

Fu Chaoyang went to the grass-roots level to inspect work safety

In the afternoon of January 31, Fu Chaoyang, the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, went deep into the field investigation and inspection of work safety before the festival in the way of "four no two straight", stressed that the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on work safety should be thoroughly implemented, the deployment of national work safety teleconference should be conscientiously implemented, and the root of work safety should be tightened at all times according to the work requirements of the provincial party committee and government, We will spare no effort to ensure the safety of people's lives and property and social stability. City leaders Chen Zhiqiang and Gao Yu attended together.

Going into Caicha Market in Chengxiang District, Fu Chaoyang talked with the person in charge and the stall owner, asking "how to implement safety measures at ordinary times and how to troubleshoot hidden dangers", and asked to pay close attention to food safety and supply work to ensure the "safety on the tip of the tongue" of the masses. At Putian South Bus Station, Fu Chaoyang boarded the bus to learn more about bus shifts, implementation of safety measures, etc., and urged drivers to strengthen safety awareness, eliminate fatigue driving, improve service quality, and ensure safety and smooth transportation during the Spring Festival. In Hualin Economic Development Zone, Fu Chaoyang walked into the production workshop of Guo's Shoes, communicated with the person in charge of the enterprise and the safety officer, carefully inspected the fire-fighting facilities such as fire extinguishers, and required the enterprise to strictly standardize management, strengthen job training, and truly implement the safety responsibility. Fu Chaoyang went straight to hotels, restaurants, supermarkets and other places along the street to "screen" the operation safety one by one; In an open community in Yushang Community, we also talked with the unit leader and grid leader, instructing them to do a good job in community services, guiding merchants and residents to enhance their awareness of fire safety, and conducting a comprehensive investigation of potential safety hazards.

"Safety responsibility is more important than Mount Tai." Fu Chaoyang stressed in his investigation and inspection that all departments at all levels in the city should strictly implement "the same responsibility of the party and the government, the same responsibility for one post, joint management, and accountability for dereliction of duty", tighten the responsibility chain, focus on safety production frequently, strictly in daily life, and firmly prevent and contain major accidents. We should deeply learn from all kinds of safety production accidents, adhere to the principle of moving forward and putting prevention first, focus on key places, key areas and key links, comprehensively and thoroughly investigate hidden dangers, and ensure that hidden dangers are not cleared up, problems are not rectified, and responsibilities are not implemented. In combination with the project of "leading the Party building, strengthening the foundation and benefiting the people", and relying on the platform of "one map of the whole city", we should implement the safety responsibility to the smallest governance unit and the final responsibility subject, and jointly create a safe environment. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen on duty duty during the Spring Festival, strictly implement the system of 24-hour leadership and special personnel on duty, improve various emergency plans, strengthen safety measures, improve security capabilities, and make overall efforts to ensure supply and price stability in the market, care for people in need, and so on, "exchange the cadres' 'hardship index' for the masses' 'safety index', so that everyone has a happy and peaceful Spring Festival!" (Meizhou Daily reporter Huang Guoqing)

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